内容简介: 本书以篇章结构为纲,共有8章,主题包含文化和交流的基本概念、跨文化交际的基本概念、文化中隐藏的价值观、语言交际、非语言交际、人际关系、社会交往习俗、跨文化交际能力提升。 目录: Chapter 1 Communication and Culture Ⅰ Warm-up: Look and Say Ⅱ Basics of Communication A. Communication: Broad Types and Essential Elements B. Communication: Definition and Components C. Communication: Characteristics Ⅲ Understanding Culture A. Culture: Too Familiar to Be Noticed B. Culture: Definition C. Culture: Elements D. Culture: Characteristics Ⅳ Communication and Culture A. Communication: Culture Bound B. Communication: High-context and Low-context REVISION TASKS Chapter 2 Interc ...