内容简介: 《乌布西奔妈妈》是一部由满族先世东海女真人创作并传承下来的古老的英雄史诗,以其丰富的内涵、雄浑磅礴的气势、感人而富有传奇色彩的情节、形象生动的语言和本真原始的活力放射着璀璨的光芒。《乌布西奔妈妈研究(英文版)/中国少数民族史诗研究著作翻译文库》堪称满族先世东海女真人民间文化的瑰宝。对《乌布西奔妈妈》的解读和研究,开拓了我国史诗学、萨满教学、民间文艺学、民俗学、东北亚民族关系史等学科的新领域。 目录: Preface by Lang Ying
Preface by Mark Bender
Translator’S Foreword
Preface by Daniel Kister
Profile of the Author
Chapter One The Genre and Traits ofUmesibenMama
The Gelire of Umesiben Mama
Ⅱ.Distinguishing Traits of Umesiben Mama
Chapter Two Historical—Cultural OriginsofUmesibenMama
Ⅰ.Epic and History
Ⅱ.Donghai Jurchen History,Culture and Social Make up
Ⅲ.The Donghai Jurchen Cultural Heritage Refected in Umesiben Mama
Chapter Three Donghai Tribal Society in the Epic
Ⅰ.Tribal Composition and Distribution
Ⅱ.Tribal Regime Structures
Ⅲ. TribalCulturalandSocialSystems
Chapter Four Donghai Tribal Conflicts and Unification in the Epic