主编推荐: 本书在保持第三版教师用书经典内容的同时,版面由原来的32开变为16开,字号、行距加大,页面更舒朗,方便教 师查阅、记笔记。更改后的版式使单元内每个部分的层级结构更清晰,增大后的开本使教师更方便查阅。在传承经 典的基础上,新的呈现形式将带给读者耳目一新的感受。 内容简介: 本教师用书沿用第三版的经典内容,包括供教师参考的补充背景知识(Additional Background Material for Teachers' Reference);课文详解(Detailed Study of the Text);练习答案(Key to Exercises);“阅读、思考与评论”解析(Aids to "Read, Think and Comment")。 目录: Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille Joseph P. Blank
Lesson 2 Blackmail (Excerpts) Arthur Hailey
Lesson 3 The Trial That Rocked the World John Scopes
Lesson 4 The Libido for the Ugly Henry L.Mencken
Lesson 5 Mark Twain—Mirror of America (Excerpts) Noel Grove
Lesson 6 Everyday Use Alice Walker
Lesson 7 Three Cups of Tea (Excerpts) Greg Mortenson and David O. Relin
Lesson 8 The Way to Rainy MountainN. Scott Momaday
Lesson 9 Ships in the Desert (Excerpts) Al Gore
Lesson 10 No Signposts in the Sea (Excerpts) V. Sackville-West
Lesson 11 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. Winston S. Churchill