作者简介: 陈果,四川省雅安市文联副主席。作者陈果为撰写报告文学作品《天梯之上》在近一年的时间里,数次攀上位于“天梯之上”的二坪村,以细腻、灵动的笔触,用白描纪实手法,成功地讲述了一个中国现代乡村版的普罗米修斯故事。该作品获四川省“五个一工程”奖。 内容简介: 该书讲述了李桂林和陆建芬夫妇的真实故事,李桂林、陆建芬夫妇都曾是“代课教师”,他们在环境险恶、条件艰难、待遇低下、生活清贫的高山之巅,办起一所小学:凉山彝族自治区甘洛县乌史大桥乡二坪村小学。他们是现代中国乡村版的“普罗米修斯”,一对令人感动的教师夫妇,在穷乡僻野奉献着他们的青春,而在人们心里,他们已站在8844.43米的珠穆朗玛峰之巅。 目录: Foreword May the “Light of the Ladders to Heaven” Shine into Our Hearts Prologue Ⅰ.“Ladders to Heaven” in the Isolated Erping Village 1.A teacher's responsibility is heavier than a mountain 2.A frightening adventure 3.“A cold-hearted bastard” Ⅱ.A New School Born with a Funding of 10,800 Yuan 1.The only teacher in the “bilingual school” 2.Darling, marry me again 3.Knowledge smells so nice through the cow dung 4.Erping Primary School took on a new look Ⅲ.A Couple with an Intangible Asset Worth 1.49 Million Yuan. 1.Golden rules for enrolling more students 2.He followed principles for the sake of Erping kids 3.Choosing to remain poor teachers rather than getting rich Ⅳ.400 Villagers: All Are My Brothers and Sisters ...