作者简介: 戴布耶Dybkjaer,丹麦南丹麦大学教授。 主编推荐: 《文本和语音处理系统评测(英文影印版)》内容深入浅出,适合有一定背景知识的初学者或相关领域的科研工作者阅读,也可作为计算语言学专业教材。 内容简介: 本书是"计算语言学与语言科技原文丛书"中的一册。文本和语音系统是计算语言学和语言技术的主要应用方向,涉及的范围很好广泛,几乎包括所有的语言技术应用系统。本书涵盖的内容很好丰富,既详细介绍了各种文本和语音系统及其评测的基础理论,又结合大量实例针对系统评测进行了明确的说明和解释。内容深入浅出,适合有一定背景知识的初学者或相关领域的科研工作者阅读,也可作为计算语言学专业教材。 摘要: Akers, G.and Lennig, M.(1985).Intonation in Text-to-Speech Synthesis: Evaluation of Algorithms.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77(6):2157-2165. Benoit, C.and Pols, L.C.W.(1992).On the Assessment of Synthetic Speech.In Bailly, G., Benoit, C., and Sawallis, T., editors, Talking Machines: Theories, Models and Designs, pages 435-441, Elsevier, North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Benoit, C., van Erp, A., Grice, M., Hazan, V., and Jekosch, U.(1989).Multilin- gual Synthesiser Assessment Using Semantically Unpredictable Sentences.In Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), volume 2, pages 633-636, Paris, France. Bernstein, J.(1982).Evaiuating Synthetic Speech.In Proceedings of the&nbs ... 目录: 导读1 Preface 15 Contributing Authors 17 Introduction 21 Laila Dybkjar, Holmer Hemsen and Wolfgang Minker 1 SPEECH AND SPEAKER RECOGNITION EVALUATION 1 Sadaoki Furui 1.Introduction 1 2.Principles of Speech Recognition 2 3.Categories of Speech Recognition Tasks 3 4.Evaluation of Speech Recognition Systems 6 5.Principles of Speaker Recognition 12 6.Categories of Speaker Recognition Tasks 13 7.Normalization and Adaptation Techniques 15 8.Evaluation of Speaker Recognition Systems 17 9.Factor ...