内容简介: 《非洲经济评论(2020)》所选文章全部来自津巴布韦学者,这些学者或是来自津巴布韦大学经济史系,或是曾在津巴布韦大学经济史系学习或工作。文章主要关注津巴布韦经济史,也兼及一些社会史方面的内容。文章以英文原文发布。《非洲经济评论(2020)》源起于近年来上海师范大学非洲研究中心与津巴布韦大学经济史系和津巴布韦大学历史系的交流与合作,同时也是上海师范大学非洲研究中心舒运国教授主持的国家社科基金重大项目“多卷本《非洲经济史》”在中非学术合作层面的一项成果。《非洲经济评论(2020)》共含导言一篇、论文十二篇、书评一篇。 目录: Introduction:Revisiting the Colonial Social and Economic History of Zimbabwe
Gender and the Colonial Labour Market:Women Clerks in the Public Service of Rhodesia,1939-1960s
Water and Power at Play:the Federal Power Board and the Politics of
Hydro-Electricity on the Kariba Dam,1950s to 1960s
Labour History of African Municipal Workers in Colonial Harare:1945-1979
Agrarian Capitalism and Labour Dynamics in Rhodesian Coffee Plantations C.1900-1980
Colonial Zimbabwe and Technical Training:White Miner's Training
Institutions in Historical Perspective,1923-1948
Meteorological Services and Settler Agricultural Development:the Case of the Meteorological Service Department in Southern Rhodesia,1897-1945