内容简介: 智库丝路万里行是一本总结了中国社会科学院海外大型海外调研项目的报告集,汇集了多位学者关于“一带一路”倡议在世界各国的实地考察和思考,主要研究内容包括“一带一路”建设与人类命运共同体研究,“一带一路”框架下中国与各国合作的进展和方向,“一带一路”建设在具体实践中的问题和对策研究等。本书汇集了诸多学者的实地调研成果,分析了目前“一带一路”倡议在各国的进展状况以及发展方向,提出了“一带一路”倡议在实际情况下存在的问题,理论联系实践,深化了关于“一带一路”的构思,对于完善“一带一路”建设和构建人类命运共同体有着重大意义。 目录: Jointly Build the Belt and Road Initiative in Cooperation against COVID-19 and Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
Progresses, Problems and Solutions of China's BRI Implementation in Southeast Asia
Promote Broad and Long-term Cooperation: The Implementation and Development of the Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia
Progress of the Belt and Road Initiative in Mongolia
Progress of the Belt and Road Initiative in Nepal
South Pacific Countries and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
Belt and Road Research Tour
Progress and Direction in China's Economic and Trade Cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Egypt Under the Framework of the Belt and Road I ...