内容简介: 《新编国际金融英语教程》主要介绍国际金融英语的基础知识,内容包括国际货币体系的发展、金融组织、主要货币及金融危机等专题。《新编国际金融英语教程》紧密结合专业方向,英语语言地道新颖,有一定的难度或深度,但书中提供了相关的背景知识和语言注释,因此比较易教易学。《新编国际金融英语教程》适合商务英语、金融及相关专业的学生作为教材使用,亦可供金融英语爱好者自学之用。 摘要: The Automatic Adjustment Mechanism under the Gold Standard
The gold standard contains some powerful automatic mechanisms that contribute to the simultaneot achievement of balance of payments equilibrium by all countries. The most important of these was the pricspecie-flow mechanism (precious metals were referred to as " specie" ). Hume's description of thmechanism has been translated into modern terms. Assume that Britain's current account~ surplus is greatthan its non-reserve capital account deficit. In this case, foreigners' net imports from Britain are not bein financed entirely by British loans. The balance must be matched by flows of international reserves that is, ( gold —— into Britain. The gold inflows into Britain automatically reduce foreign money supplies and increase Britain's money supply, driving foreign prices downward and British prices upward. As a result, thdemand for British goods and services will fall and at the same time the British demand for foreign gooc and services will increase. Eventually, reserve movements stop and both countries reach balance ( payments equilibrium. The same process also works in reverse, eliminating an initial situation of foreign surplus and British deficit.   ... 目录: part i evolution and operation of the international monetary system chapter 1 the gold standard era (1870-1914) chapter 2 the inter-war period (1918-1939) and the bretton woods system (1944-1973) chapter 3 managed floating since 1973 and the european monetary system part ii organizations chapter 4 the international monetary fund (imf) chapter 5 the world bank chapter 6 asian development bank part iii currencies chapter 7 the federal reserve system chapter 8 the eurosystem chapter 9 history of renminbi (rmb) part iv financial crisis chapter 10 financial crisis (2007-2009) references