内容简介 With this collection of short and fascinating biographical pieces, the award-winning biographer of Coleridge and Shelley offers a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious art of biography. When researching, Richard Holmes has often become captivated by figures peripheral to his main subject, literary forays that he couldn't resist. These tales-the forbidden love of John Stuart Mill, the bizarre novel of Oscar Wilde's tragic grand-uncle, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald's nightmarish yet cathartic final trip to Paris-are part of what comprises Sidetracks, a marvelously original that includes letters and travelogues, radio plays, essays, and minature biographies. This book is a rare literary feast and an exploration of the creative processes of one of our most preeminent biographers.
作者简介 理查德·霍姆斯(Richard Holmes)1945年出生在伦敦,著有十本传记和传记类随笔。在早期作品《雪莱》(Shelley,1974)和《柯勒律治的早年追求》(Coleridge: Early Visions,1989)中,霍姆斯就展现出了对于场景描写的敏锐视角,以及对于描述主体的强大代入感。通过他字里行间的描述,读者仿佛就置身于场景当中,哪怕只是一闪而过,也能想象到与雪莱和拜伦同游利多,与塞缪尔·约翰逊和理查德·萨维奇漫步午夜伦敦街头,或是与安德鲁一起乘着热气球飞往北极的画面。他的作品温暖而亲切,同时也展现出了传记主人公对于自身不完美的认知——这种理念在霍姆斯看来,正是传记的核心。