¥ 109.02 7.9折 ¥ 138 全新
Recent Progress on the Formation of Trapped Surfaces and Black Holes Junbin Li 1
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Recent Progress on the Formation of Trapped Surfaces and Black Holes
Junbin Li
Department of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Abstract In this paper we review the recent progress on the mathematical results on the formation of trapped surfaces and black holes in general relativity.
1 Preliminaries
General relativity is a theory about gravity using the language of Riemannian geometry. A spacetime is a Lorentzian manifold satisfying the Einstein equations
When the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ is set to be zero, we call it the vacuum Einstein equations. In vacuum, the Einstein equations read
Ricαβ = 0.
The Minkowski space
defined on R3+1 which is a flat and geodesically complete solution of the vacuum Einstein equations. One of the most important exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations is the family of Schwarzschild solutions
(1.1) where the parameter M > 0 representing the mass. The Schwarzschild solutions are spherically symmetric and static, and is the only family of vacuum solutions which are spherically symmetric by Birkhoff Theorem. This family of solutions describes the surrounding spacetime of a spherical star.
It can be seen from the metric that r = 0 and r = 2M are both singularities of the Schwarzschild solutions. By direct computation, we have , so curvature blows up at r = 0 and hence the metric fails to be C2 when approaching r = 0. However, the curvature remains bounded at r = 2M. In fact, the Schwarzschild metric is smooth across r = 2M, which is a null hypersurface. A surprising feature of Schwarzschild solutions is that there is a region, denoted by B, corresponding to r . 2M, has the property that any future directed timelike or null curves with starting point in B cannot escape to the outside region r > 2M, and in particular cannot escape to the future null infinity I+, the future ideal boundary of the spacetime. Physically, the future null infinity represents the location of faraway observers, so the black hole region is a region invisible to faraway observers.
The Schwarzschild solutions are the first and most important family of black hole solutions. It is a subfamily of a larger two-parameter family of black hole solutions , where represents the mass and a represents the angular momentum per unit mass. When a = 0, it reduces to the Schwarzschild solutions. Similar to the Schwarzschild solutions, the region is the region outside the black hole. Kerr solutions represent stationary rotating black holes.
For general asymptotically flat spacetime M, Penrose first introduced the notion of the future null infinity I+ by conformal compacification. The future null infinity can be understood as the ideal future boundary of the spacetime, where the spacetime becomes
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