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再 版 前 言
(1) 全面性及系统性。本书系统地介绍了进出口贸易的整个流程,结构完整,内容全面,语言浅显易懂。
(2) 新颖性和翔实性。教材融入了国际贸易领域的发展与变化,如反映了INCOTERMS 2010在国际贸易术语解释方面的新内容,以及2012年财政部、国家税务总局联合下发通知调整的相关出口退(免)税政策。自2012年8月1日起,取消出口收汇核销单,出口退税由原来的两单两票调整为一单两票,这在第11章中也及时加以增补。
(3) 提供开篇案例或新闻导读。教材的每一章都以一个引人入胜的案例或财经新闻开篇,从而提高读者的阅读兴趣,提升学习效果。
(4) 引导对疑难问题的思考。本书将每章的重点、难点、热点问题加以梳理并展开阐述,并配上相应的中文批注,使每章重点突出、内容层次清晰,以提高读者的学习效率,同时解决课时不足或自学困难等问题。
(5) 实践性和可操作性强。本书在各章节适当位置配上相关的案例、流程图、合同条款以及法律条文和惯例,同时,在每章节的末尾配上相应的练习,以增强本书的实践性和可操作性。
随着国际形势的变化,国际贸易的相关内容、惯例以及方式也发生了变化。因此,本书相关章节的内容也作了相应的调整和增补,并出版了第2版。相较于2014年的第1版,第2版更新了有关章节的导入案例和课后练习。另外,第2章的国际贸易术语作了很大的调整,摒弃了INCOTERMS 2000通则的相关内容,以INCOTERMS 2010通则的内容为主;第4章的海洋运输突出了集装箱运输以及海运提单的内容,并增补了船东单和货代单的内容;由于近年来进口日趋强劲,所以第6章的报价增补了进口报价的内容;第10章完善了相关的合同条款的内容;第11章增补和完善了相应的单据;近年来跨境电商发展迅猛,所以第12章增补了跨境电商的内容。
编 者
《国际贸易实务(英语版)(第2版)》以国际贸易流程为基础框架,介绍了国际贸易术语、商品描述、货物运输、货物运输保险、商品价格、支付工具、支付方式、索赔与不可抗力、谈判与磋商、进出口合同的履行以及国际贸易方式等国际贸易实务中的主要内容,配以相关的案例、流程图、合同条款、法律条文和惯例,结构完整,内容全面,具有较强的实践性和可操作性。 《国际贸易实务(英语版)(第2版)》既适合高等院校商务英语、国际贸易等涉外专业的本、专科教学,也可供从事外经贸工作的人士及对外贸感兴趣的读者参考学习。
目 录
Chapter 1 General Introduction to
International Trade 1
1.1 What Is International Trade 3
1.2 The Importance of International Trade 3
1.2.1 International Trade Restrictions 4
1.2.2 Differences between International
Trade and Domestic Trade 4
1.3 World Trade Organization 5
1.3.1 Overview 5
1.3.2 Functions of WTO 6
1.3.3 Basic Principles 6
1.3.4 Missions 6
1.3.5 Formal Structure 7
1.4 Main Procedures of International Trade 9
1.4.1 Basic Procedures of Export 9
1.4.2 Basic Procedures of Import 12
1.5 Relevant International Practice and
? Laws 13
1.6 Overview of Contract 15
1.6.1 The Functions of a Written
Contract 15
1.6.2 The Essential Features of a Legally
Binding Contract 16
1.6.3 The General Contents of a Sales
Contract 16
1.7 Overview of This Book 18
【Key Terms and Words】 20
【Exercises】 20
Chapter 2 International Trade Terms 22
2.1 Introduction to trade terms 24
2.1.1 Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 24
2.1.2 Revised American Foreign Trade
Definitions 1941 26
2.1.3 International Commercial
Terms 29
2.2 Introduction to INCOTERMS 2010 29
2.2.1 Mode of transport 30
2.2.2 The six most popular trade
terms 31
2.2.3 The other five trade terms 45
? 2000 53
2.4 Incoterms and Contract 57
2.5 Choice of Trade Terms 58
【Key Terms and Words】 60
【Exercises】 61
Chapter 3 Terms of Commodity 65
3.1 Name of Commodity 67
3.1.1 Commodity Naming Methods 67
3.1.2 HS Code 68
3.1.3 Name Clauses in the Contract 68
3.2 Quality of Commodity 69
3.2.1 Quality Stipulation Methods 70
3.2.2 Quality Latitude and Quality
Tolerance 76
3.2.3 Quality Clauses in the Contract 77
3.3 Quantity of Commodity 77
3.3.1 Unit of Measurement 78
3.3.2 Calculation of Weight 80
3.3.3 Quantity Allowance Clauses 82
3.3.4 Quantity Clauses in the
Contract 83
3.4 Packing of Commodity 84
3.4.1 Transport Packing 85
3.4.2 Sales Packing 91
3.4.3 Neutral Packing and Designated
Brand 93
3.4.4 Packing Clauses in the Contract 94
【Key Terms and Words】 96
【Exercises】 97
Chapter 4 International Cargo
Transport 101
4.1 Containerization 103
4.1.1 Features of Container
Transportation 103
4.1.2 Types of Container 104
4.1.3 Freight of Container
Transportation 105
4.2 Modes of Transportation 107
4.2.1 Marine Transport 108
4.2.2 Air Transportation 121
4.2.3 Railway Transportation 122
4.2.4 International Multi-modal
Transport 122
4.2.5 Land Bridge Transport 123
4.2.6 Postal Transport 123
4.2.7 Pipelines Transport 123
4.3 Shipment Clauses in Sales Contract 124
4.3.1 Time of Shipment and Time of
Delivery 124
4.3.2 Port of Shipment and Port of
Destination 125
4.3.3 Shipping Advice 126
4.3.4 Partial Shipment and
Transshipment 126
4.3.5 Lay Time, Demurrage and
Dispatch 127
【Key Terms and Words】 129
【Exercises】 129
Chapter 5 International Cargo Transport
Insurance 133
5.1 Principles of Cargo Insurance 136
5.1.1 Principle of Insurable Interest 136
5.1.2 Principle of Utmost Good
Faith 136
5.1.3 Principle of Indemnity 137
5.1.4 Principle of Proximate Cause 138
5.2 The Definition of Insurance 138
5.3 Parties to the Insurance 139
5.3.1 Insurer 139
5.3.2 Insured 140
5.3.3 Brokers 140
5.4 Marine Insurance 140
5.4.1 Risks 141
5.4.2 Losses 141
5.4.3 Expenses 143
5.5 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance
? of CIC 144
5.5.1 Basic Coverage 145
5.5.2 Additional Risks 146
5.6 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance
? of ICC 150
5.6.1 Institute Cargo Clauses A 150
5.6.2 Institute Cargo Clauses B 151
5.6.3 Institute Cargo Clauses C 151
5.6.4 Major Exclusion 153
5.7 Procedures of Marine Insurance 153
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