Unit One History of Fishing Text A Ancient Fishing and Modern Fishing Text B Recreational Fishing Unit Two Fishery Resources Text A Ocean Fisheries Text B Tuna Resources Unit Three Fishing Techniques and Fishing Tackle Text A Fishing Techniques Text B Fishing Tackle Unit Four Fishing Environment Text A Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture Text B Environmental Impact Unit Five Aquaculture Text A Why Farmed Salmon Is Becoming a Viable Alternative to wild-caught Text B Reproduction Innovations Unit Six Marine Organism Text A Secret Voyages of Leatherback Turtles Revealed Using Transmitters Text B Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises Unit Seven Prevention and Treatment of Fish Diseases Text A Fish and Parasitic Infection Text B Fish Diseases and Parasites Unit Eight Fishing Laws and Regulations Text A International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling Text B Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas Unit Nine Fisheries Science Text A How is Fisheries Science Used? Text B What Are the Departments of Fisheries Science? Unit Ten Fishery Management and Development Text A Fisheries Management Text B Fishing for Tomorrow: Glossary References