Zhuge Liang (181–234), courtesy name Kongming, was a Prime Minister of the Shu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period. Known as one of the greatest military strategists in Chinese history, he was also a famous statesman, writer, and inventor. Born in Yangdu, Langya, near the end of East Han Dynasty, Zhuge led a simple life when young--farming by day and studying at night--in Nanyang. People called him Master Sleeping Dragon. Touched by the sincerity of Liu Bei, who paid him three personal visits in order to recruit him, Zhuge succeeded in forging an alliance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan, a fundamental step to the establishment of the Shu Kingdom with Liu Bei as the King and Zhuge as the Prime Minister. After Liu s death, Zhuge was granted the title of Lord of Wuxiang by Liu Bei s son, Liu Shan. He devoted himself to assisting the young king, being practically the decision maker of both political and military affairs of the kingdom. From 228 until his death in 234, Zhuge Liang led five northern expeditions against the Wei Kingdom. On the fifth time, unfortunately, he died in the Wuzhang Plain. Sparing no effort performing his duty until his heart stopped beating, Zhuge was a paragon of loyal officials and an incarnation of wisdom. He was a sage, indeed. 刘玄德三顾草庐 徐庶临别时,向刘备力荐诸葛亮。刘备求贤若渴。翌日,其带着关羽、张飞等人来到隆中。刘备策马而行,遥望卧龙岗,果然清静异常。刘备来到庄前,下马轻叩柴扉。一童子出来说,先生刚刚外出,归期不定。刘备叮嘱,如先生回,请告知刘备来访。回到新野数日后,传来消息,卧龙先生已回。刘备即刻上马,关羽、张飞乘马相随。时值隆冬,天气严寒,瑞雪霏霏。刘备到庄前下马叩门,没承想诸葛亮跟好友出外闲游去了。 Liu Bei Pays Two Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge Before parting, Xu Shu gave his highest recommendation to Zhuge Liang. Thirsty for talent, Liu Bei rode his horse along with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, his two blood brothers, to the Sleeping Dragon Ridge. Drawing near, Liu found the place indeed extraordinarily serene. Arriving at the door of Zhuge s cottage, Liu dismounted and knocked on the door, only to be informed by a youth that the master had left home earlier and there was no telling when he would be back. "When he returns, please tell your master that Liu Bei was here," Liu entreated the boy. A few days later, he set out with his brothers to pay Zhuge another visit after knowing the latter was back. It was a bitterly cold winter, and snow was flying all the way. Nevertheless, they reached the simple house. Liu dismounted and tapped on the door. To his dismay, Zhuge was again nowhere to be seen: He had just gone out with a good friend. 定三分隆中决策 刘备第三次前往隆中,诸葛亮虽在家,却昼寝未醒。刘备恭敬地立于阶下等候。张飞等得火起,竟想到屋后放一把火,关羽再三劝住。刘备立了一个时辰,诸葛亮方醒。二人叙礼毕,分宾主而坐。刘备诚心诚意向诸葛亮讨教,诸葛亮从董卓造逆谈起,高屋建瓴,纵论天下形势。他给刘备谋划的蓝图是:将军欲成霸业,北让曹操占天时,南让孙权占地利,将军可占人和。先取荆州为家,后即取西川建基业,以成鼎足之势,然后可图中原也。诸葛亮未出茅庐,已知三分天下。 Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms When Liu Bei and his two blood brothers visited the Sleep Dragon Ridge for the third time, Zhuge Liang was finally home, taking a nap. Waiting for him to wake up, Liu stood respectfully on the door step. Time passed slowly, and the impatient and irritated Zhang Fei even thought of setting a fire to the cottage at the back. Guan Yu had to spend a great deal of effort to pacify him. An hour later, Zhuge awoke. After exchanging bows and courteous remarks, the host and the guests sat down. Liu sincerely sought Zhuge s advice; Zhuge thus began with the rebel Dong Zhuo and talked about China s situation from a strategic vantage point. Zhuge drew a blueprint for Liu: to achieve his grand goal, Liu had to allow Cao Cao to take advantage of the time in the north, let Sun Quan take advantage of the location in the south, and then give himself the advantage of favorable human resources in the southwest. Liu could first take Jingzhou as a home, next the West Rivers area for the foundation, and then China would reach a triangular balance of power. Once Liu firmly established himself, the whole empire could be attained. This conversation proved that Zhuge knew and foresaw the tripod division of China even though he had never gone far from his thatched cottage. 荆州城公子三求计 东吴攻杀了黄祖,屯兵于柴桑。刘表差人请刘备赴荆州议事。刘备带诸葛亮来见刘表,寒暄过后,刘表商议报复之策。刘备不主张南征,忧心曹操来攻。刘表说自己年老多病,欲将荆州托付刘备。刘备当面辞谢。二人回到驿馆,公子刘琦拜倒求救,泣言继母加害,性命危在旦夕。刘备说此乃家事,不敢多言。送刘琦出驿馆时,刘备附耳低语,如此这般,定有妙计相告。翌日,诸葛亮回拜,刘琦再求活命之计,诸葛亮不答。刘琦欲拔剑自刎,诸葛亮止之道,公子上言,乞屯兵守江夏,便可避祸。刘琦再拜谢教。 In Jingzhou Liu Qi Thrice Begs Advice Sun Quan s army slew Huang Zu and stationed troops in Chaisang. A messenger from Liu Biao came to Liu Bei, begging him to go to Jingzhou. Liu Bei did so while taking Zhuge Liang along. Liu Biao wanted to attack Sun Quan for revenge, but Liu Bei disagreed, worrying that Cao Cao would exploit the situation. Liu Biao then said he wanted to entrust Jingzhou to Liu Bei since he was getting old and feeble. Liu declined politely and went back with Zhuge to their guesthouse. As soon as they returned, Liu Qi, the eldest son of Liu Biao, arrived and bowed down, crying for help because his stepmother had tried to kill him. Liu Bei replied that he could not interfere because it was a family matter. However, when seeing Liu Qi off, he whispered, “You can do so and so, and there will be an excellent plan for you.” The next day, Liu Qi saw Zhuge and pleaded again for a strategy to stay alive. The former said nothing, so Liu Qi pulled out his sword to kill himself. Stopping him, Zhuge said, “Ask to be sent to Jiangxia, and you should&nbs