目录 PART I The first couple of years 开始的年月 1 Choosing and handling your Ph.D. adviser 博导的选择与相处 Rule 1: the ground rule: communicate with your boss Rule 2: keep your boss informed Rule 3: discover what makes your boss tick ? Rule 4: earn your boss’s respect Rule 5: assert yourself ? Rule 6: the golden rule: write for your boss 2 Motivation, time management, and multitasking 做博士的动机、时间管理和多任务应对? The daily grind ? The long view Stepping up a gear 3 Handling the literature 文献处理 Ruthless reading ? Breaking the code of scientific writing 4 Report writing 报告写作 5 Powerful presentations 有效演讲 PART II The end of the beginning 结束开始年月 6 Writing papers and abstracts 撰写论文和摘要 Making rapid writing-up possible ? Creating your paper Getting feedback on your paper Getting your paper published? Abstract writing 7 Conferences and poster presentations 会议与讲演 ? Conferences: a typical scenario ? Poster presentations 8 Writing and defending your thesis 撰写学术论文与答辩? Writing your thesis ? The final thesis defence or viva voce examination 9 Coping with pressure and stress 如何面对压力 PART III The transition to post-doctoral research ?做博士后研究 10 From graduate student to post-doc 从研究生到博士后的过渡 How I found my first post-doc job ? Starting out Get yourself let in on science’s secrets 11 Collaboration and visiting other labs 实验室合作与交流 Networking brought closer to you 12 Supervising students in the lab 指导进入实验室的学生 13 Teaching 教学 ? A TYPICAL UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING SCENARIO 14 Writing grant proposals and fellowship applications 基金计划写作及申请 PART IV Making it in science 走向科研之路 15 Culturing your image 培养你的形象 16 You and your big ideas 你的目的 17 Planning for a permanent job 设计长期工作 Planning your independent research Preparing for the interview 18 Do you have principal investigator (PI) potential? 你有做项目负责人的潜力吗? Epilogue 结语 Web-links Index 索引