目录 译序 离骚 Sorrow after Departure 九歌 The Nine Songs 东皇太一 TheAlmightyLordoftheEast 云寺君 T0 The God ofCloud 湘君 TotheLordofRiverXiang 湘夫人 TotheLadyofRiverXiang 大司命 The Great Lord ofFate 少司命 The Young Goddess ofFate 东君 The God of the Sun 河伯 TheGodoftheRiver 山鬼 The Goddess ofthe Mountain 国殇 For Those Fallen for the Country 礼魂 TheLast Sacrifice 天问 Asking Heaven 九章 The Nine Elegies 惜诵 I Make my Plaint 涉江 Crossingthe River 哀郢 Lament for the ChuCapital 抽思 Sad Thoughts Outpoured 怀沙 Longing for Changsha 思美人 Thinking ofthe Pair One 惜往日 The Bygone Days Regretted 橘颂 Hymn to the Orange Tree 悲回风 Grieving at the Whirlwind 远游 The Far-off lourney 卜居 Divination 渔父 The Fisherman 九辩 Nine Apologies 招魂 Requiem 大招 Great Requiem