目录 "Pandemic Threats / 001 I. The Plague / 002 II. Cholera / 005 III. Smallpox / 008 IV. Influenza / 011 V. COVID-19 / 019 VI. Other infectious diseases that may cause pandemics / 019 References / 022 How Pandemics Arise / 027 I. Characteristics of pandemics and determination criteria / 027 II. Characteristics of pandemic-inducing infectious diseases / 029 III. Factors contributing to pandemics of infectious diseases / 034 References / 047 The Challenges of Pandemics / 053 I. Absence of a unified global community of interest / 054 II. Monitoring systems insufficient for early warning and response / 055 III. Lack of urgency and targeted measures early in the pandemic / 058 IV. Overburdened healthcare providers and lack of effective drugs / 059 V. Inequitable vaccine distribution and vaccine hesitation / 061 VI. Ineffective public education and social stigma and discrimination / 064 VII. Shortage of other diseases prevention and control services / 066 References / 068 Cross-Species Transmission of Pathogens / 071 I. Risk of cross-species transmission of pathogens / 071 II. Challenges of cross-species transmission of pathogens / 075 III. Studies on SARS-CoV-2 hosts / 077 IV. Risk assessment of cross-species transmission of pathogens / 083 References / 085 Genetic Sequencing-Based Pathogen Surveillance and Early Warning Systems / 089 I. Methods for monitoring pathogenic variation / 089 II. Pathogen genome surveillance network and data sharing system /095 III. Bioinformatic prediction and warning of pathogenicity variations /100 References / 104 The Threat of Climate Change to Pandemics / 109 I. Climate change and pandemics / 110 II. The impact of climate factors on the COVID-19 pandemic / 116 III. Strategies to cope with the risk of infectious diseases under climate change / 122 References / 125 Globalization and Pandemics / 131 I. The impact of globalization on pandemics / 132 II. The impact of pandemics on globalization / 137 III. The Chinese approach to addressing globalization and pandemics / 147 References / 149 Pandemic Preparedness / 155 I. Surveillance of and preparedness for animal-origin pathogens with pandemic potential / 156 II. Policy and coordination mechanisms / 160 III. Basic capacity building / 163 IV. Scientific research / 168 V. Workforce and talent training and reserve / 171 References / 173 Pandemic Response and Assessment / 179 I. PHEIC response and assessment / 180 II. Assessment of pandemic response capacity / 190 References / 192 The COVID-19 Pandemic / 197 I. The COVID-19 outbreak / 197 II. Epidemiological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 / 198 III. Identification of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens / 199 IV. Origin tracing of SARS-CoV-2 / 201 V. COVID-19 prevention and control measures and their effectiveness /205 VI. Reflections and outlook / 207 References / 210 Chapter 11 China’s Experience in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 and Its Contribution to the World / 213 I. The four phases of China’s COVID-19 prevention and controlefforts / 214 II. China’s experience in the prevention and control of COVID-19 /217 III. China’s contribution to the world through its response to COVID-19 / 224 References / 227 Acknowledgments / 229"