目录 Part I.Many-Body Systems and Classical Field Theory 1.Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Particle Systems 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Classical Mechanics of Mass Points 1.3 Quantum Mechanics: The Harmonic Oscillator 1.3.1 The Harmonic Oscillator 1.4 The Linear Chain (Classical Treatment) 1.5 The Linear Chain (Quantum Treatment) 2.Classical Field Theory 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Hamilton Formalism 2.3 Functional Derivatives 2.4 Conservation Laws in Classical Field Theories 2.5 The Generators of the Poincard Group Part II.Canonical Quantization 3.Nonrelativistic Quantum Field Theory 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Quantization Rules for Bose Particles 3.3 Quantization Rules for Fermi Particles 4.Spin-0 Fields: The Klein-Gordon Equation 4.1 The Neutral Klein-Gordon Field 4.2 The Charged Klein-Gordon Field 4.3 Symmetry Transformations 4.4 The Invariant Commutation Relations 4.5 The Scalar Feynman Propagator 4.6 Supplement: The A Functions 5.Spin-1 Fields: The Dirac Equation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Canonical Quantization of the Dirac Field 5.3 Plane-Wave Expansion of the Field Operator 5.4 The Feynman Propagator for Dirac Fields 6.Spin-1 Fields: The Maxwell and Proca Equations 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The Maxwell Equations 6.2.1 The Lorentz Gauge 6.2.2 The Coulomb Gauge 6.2.3 Lagrange Density and Conserved Quantities 6.2.4 The Angular-Momentum Tensor 6.3 The Proca Equation 6.4 Plane-Wave Expansion of the Vector Field 6.4.1 The Massive Vector Field 6.4.2 The Massless Vector Field 6.5 Canonical Quantization of the Massive Vector Field 7.Quantization of the Photon Field 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The Electromagnetic Field in Lorentz Gauge 7.3 Canonical Quantization in the Lorentz Gauge 7.3.1 Fourier Decomposition of the Field Operator 7.4 The Gupta-Bleuler Method 7.5 The Feynman Propagator for Photons 7.6 Supplement: Simple Rule for Deriving Feynman Propagators. 7.7 Canonical Quantization in the Coulomb Gauge 7.7.1 The Coulomb Interaction 8.Interacting Quantum Fields 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Interaction Picture 8.3 The Time-Evolution Operator 8.4 The Scattering Matrix 8.5 Wick's Theorem 8.6 The Feynman Rules of Quantum Electrodynamics 8.7 Appendix: The Scattering Cross Section 9.The Reduction Formalism 9.1 Introduction 9.2 In and Out Fields 9.3 The Lehmann-K~illen Spectral Representation 9.4 The LSZ Reduction Formula 9.5 Perturbation Theory for the n-Point Function 10.Discrete Symmetry Transformations 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Scalar Fields 10.2.1 Space Inversion 10.2.2 Charge Conjugation 10.2.3 Time Reversal 10.3 Dirac Fields 10.3.1 Space Inversion 10.3.2 Charge Conjugation 10.3.3 Time Reversal 10.4 The Electromagnetic Field 10.5 Invariance of the S Matrix 10.6 The CPT Theorem Part III.Quantization with Path Integrals 11.The Path-Integral Method 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Path Integrals in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics 11.3 Feynman's Path Integral 11.4 The Multi-Dimensional Path Integral 11.5 The Time-Ordered Product and n-Point Functions 11.6 The Vacuum Persistence Amplitude W[J] 12.Path Integrals in Field Theory 12.1 The Path Integral for Scalar Quantum Fields 12.2 Euclidian Field Theory 12.3 The Feynman Propagator 12.4 Generating Functional and Green's Function 12.5 Generating Functional for Interacting Fields 12.6 Green's Functions in Momentum Space 12.7 One-Particle Irreducible Graphs and the Effective Action 12.8 Path Integrals for Fermion Fields 12.9 Generating Functional and Green's Function for Fermion