目录 Chapter 1 Vector Analysis 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Vectors Operation 1.Vector addition and subtraction 2.Multiplication of vector by a scalar 3.Scalar product 4.Vector product 5.Product of three vectors 1.3 Coordinate Systems 1.Curvilinear orthogonal coordinates 2.Rectangular coordinate systems 3.Cylindrical coordinate systems 4.Spherical coordinate systems 1.4 Scalar and Vector Fields 1.5 Directional Derivative and Gradient 1.6 Divergence of a Vector Field 1.7 Curl of a Vector Field 1.8 Laplacian Operator 1.9 Del Operator Operation 1.10 Dirac Delta-Function 1.11 Some Theorems 1.Greens theorem 2.Uniqueness theorem 3.Helmhohzs theorem Problems Chapter 2 Electrostatic Fields 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Coulombs Law 1.Charge 2.Electrostatic force 2.3 Electric Field Intensity 2.4 Electric Field Lines 2.5 Equations for Electrostatic Fields 1.Basic equations 2.Electrostatic potential 3.Poissons and Laplaces equations 2.6 Electric Fields in Materials 1.Materials in electric field 2.Polarization of dielectrics 3.The field equations in dielectrics 2.7 Boundary Conditions 1.Normal components 2.Tangential components 2.8 Capacitances 2.9 Energy and Forces 1.Energy of the electric field 2.Electric force 2.10 Muhipole Expansion Problems Chapter 3 Special Methods in Electrostatics 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Uniqueness Theorem for Electrostatics 3.3 Method of Images 3.4 Method of Separation of Variables 1.Method of separation of variables in rectangular coordinates 2.Separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates 3.Separation of variables in spherical coordinates Problems Chapter 4 Steady Electric Current Fields 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Current 1.Conduction current 2.Convection current 4.3 Resistance of a Conductor 4.4 The Equation of Continuity 4.5 Relaxation Time 4.6 Joules Law 4.7 Boundary Conditions for Steady Current Density Problems Chapter 5 Steady Magnetic Fields 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Biot-Savarts Law 5.3 Ampbres Force Law 5.4 Basic Equations for Steady Magnetic Fields 5.5 Magnetic Vector Potential 5.6 Magnetization of Media 1.Magnetic materials 2.Describing of magnetization 3.Magnetic field in media 5.7 Boundary Conditions for Magnetic Fields 5.8 Magnetic Scalar Potential 1.Magnetic scalar potential differential equation 2.Boundary conditions for magnetic scalar potential 5.9 Energy in a Magnetic Field 5.10 Expansion of the Magnetic Vector Potential Problems Chapter 6 Time.Varying Electromagnetic Fields 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Faradays Law of Induction 6.3 Maxwells Equation (Faradays law) 6.4 Displacement Electric Current 6.5 Maxwells Equations and Boundary Conditions 1.Maxwells equations 2.Boundary conditions 6.6 Lorentz Force Density Equation 6.7 Poyntings Theorem 6.8 Time-harmonic Fields 6.9 Inductances 1.Self-inductance 2.Mutual inductance 6.10 Energy in Steady Magnetic Fields Problems Chapter 7 Plane Wave Propagation 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General Wave Equation 7.3 Plane Wave in a Dielectric Medium 7.4 Plane Wave in a Conducting Medium 7.5 Plane Wave in a Good Conductor 7.6 Plane Wave in a Good Dielectric 7.7 Polarization of a Wave 1.A linearly polarized wave 2.A circularly polarized wave 3.An elliptically polarized wave 7.8 Normal Incidence of Plane Waves 1.Conductor-conductor interface 2.Dielectric-dielectric interface 3.Dielectric-perfect conductor interface 4.Dielectric-conductor interface 7.9 Oblique Incidence of Plane Waves in Lossless Media 1.Polarization of E perpendicular to the plane of incidence 2.Polarization of E parallel to the plane of incidence 3.Total and null reflections 7.10 Oblique Incidence of Plane Waves in Lossy Media 7.11 Group Velocity Problems Chapter 8 Guided Electromagnetic Waves 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Boundary Conditions Due to Perfect Conductor 8.3 Rectangular Waveguide 1.Distributions of fields 2.Cutoff frequency 3.Phase velocity and group velocity 4.Waveguide impedance 5.TE10 wave in rectangular waveguides 6.Losses in a waveguide 8.4 Cavity Resonators 8.5 Transmission Line 1.Parameters of transmission line 2.Kirchhoffs laws 3.Transmission line equations 4.Propagation constant 5.Characteristic impedance 6.Reflection coefficient 7.Input impedance 8.Expressions of voltage and current 8.6 Wave Guide of Arbitrary Shape 1.TM modes 2.TE modes 3.TEM modes 8.7 The TEM Mode of a Coaxial Cable Problems Chapter 9 Antennas 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Vector and Scalar Potentials of Electromagnetic Fields 9.3 Wave Equations in Terms of Potential Functions 9.4 Retarded Potentials 9.5 Hertzian Dipole 1.Radiation fields 2.Directivity of the antenna 3.Radiation power 4.Radiation resistance 5.Directive gain 9.6 A Magnetic Dipole 9.7 A Short-dipole Antenna 9.8 A Half-wave Dipole Antenna 9.9 Antenna Arrays 9.10 Reciprocity Theorem Problems References Appendixes A.Physical Constants B.Vector Formulas 1.Vector operation 2.Differential operation 3.Integral transform 4.Greens theorem C.Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 1.Transform of coordinate components 2.Differential operations D.Electromagnetic Spectrum