图书基本信息 Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Solutions for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and Start Looking Hot!) 作者: Rory Freedman;Kim Barnouin ISBN13: 9780762431069 类型: 简装(简装书) 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 2007-12-04 出版社: Running Press Adult 页数: 192 重量(克): 204 尺寸: 18.6944 x 13.9446 x 1.4224 cm
商品简介 The bestselling "Skinny Bitch" inspired thousands of gals to live clean, healthy, pure, and skinny--while keeping them laughing with the authors trademark acerbic wit. With more than 75 recipes, this collection is sure to satisfy any crazy craving and cooking quandary. 书评与摘要 Quit your bitching-they've heard you already! You read Skinny Bitch and it totally rocked your world. Now you want to know, What can I cook that's good for me, but doesn't taste like crap? Well, lucky for you, the Bitches are on the case. Self-proclaimed pigs, Rory and Kim understand all too well: Life without lasagna isn't a life worth living; chocolate cake is vital to our survival; and no one can live without mac n cheese-no one. So can you keep to your SB standards and eat like a whale? Shit yeah, bitches. To prove it, Rory and Kim came up with some kick-ass recipes for every craving there is: Bitchin' Breakfasts PMS (Pissy Mood Snacks) Sassy Soups and Stews Grown-up Appetizers Comfort Cookin' Hearty Ass Sandwiches Happy Endings (Desserts) And a ton more! They are all so good (and easy to make) you're gonna freak out. Seriously. What are you waiting for? Get your skinny ass in the kitchen!