TUNNELS OF BLOOD When Mr Crepsley is called upon by the VampireGenerals, Darren and the snake-boy, Evra Von, leave the Cirque DuFreak and travel with him to the city. Whilst there, Darren meetsDebbie and his life as a Vampire's Assistant fades into thebackground -- until corpes are found. Corpses drained ofblood...Suspicious of Mr Crepsley's secretive bahaviour, Darren andEvra shadow him across the city and confront a creature of thenight who may be the end of them all...
Born in London in 1972, Darren O'Shaughnessy [ writing as DarrenShan] moved to Limerick with his parents and younger brother.Darren returned to London to study Sociology and English thenworked for a TV cable company. His first adult novel Ayumarca hasbeen published by Orion and his writing has been likened to CliveBarker and Iain Banks. He is now a full-time writer of TV scriptsand novels.