Mailman: A Novel (Hardcover) byJ. Robert Lennon(Author) "So God, the story goes, made the earth..." (more) Key Phrases:carrier supervisor,Gary Garrity,Miss Petrash,Mister Lippincott Publisher:W. W. Norton & Company (September 2003) Language:English From Booklist Albert Lippincott--Mailman--is an odd choice for an everyman character. A loner who reads the mail before delivering it, he\'s obsessive, depressive, and sexually confused. He struggles with the women in his life and fights with the cats they leave behind. The narrative begins with a letter delivered too late to a suicide and a woman who reports Mailman to the dreaded postal inspectors. As external events precipitate internal crisis, Mailman scrutinizes his past, searching for meaning in a world that tolerates him at best. Lennon performs a book-long balancing act, slowly letting us into this complex character\'s interior life. And Mailmanisa complex character: Is he misunderstood or is he a liar? Is he persecuted or justly punished? Is the lump under his arm a bruise or a tumor? Did he really try to bite out a professor\'s eyeball? But because his neuroses are rooted in hopes and fears we all understand, this mumbling, lurching oddball, this guy we\'d all walk past on the street, becomes someone we know and care about--and maybe recognize in the mirror. Lennon\'s fourth novel is emotionally engrossing and intellectually stimulating, full of humor, pathos, and surprises. To choose only one word: magnificent.Keir GraffCopyright ? American Library Association. All rights reserved