Cultivating Heart and Character: Educating for Life\'s Most Essential Goals [Paperback] Tony Devine (Editor) Paperback: 486 pages Publisher: Character Development Foundation (October 31, 2000) Language: English ISBN-10: 1892056151 ISBN-13: 978-1892056153 Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6 x 1.3 inches Shipping Weight: 2 pounds Product Description Foreword by Thomas Lickona. Cultivating Heart and Character is an indispensable guide for crafting a good life. Full of original ideas and practical strategies, it presents the stories, thoughts, and shared desires of educators, leaders, parents and students who are searching for an education that nourishes the heart as well as the intellect. In this comprehensive book, the authors recognize the desire to love and be loved as the fundamental force in the shaping of character. Building on this insight, they establish that the universal desire to live a meaningful life can be fulfilled through three common aspirations: attaining personal maturity, building and enjoying satisfying and long-lasting relationships, and making contributions to the larger community. These three life goals in turn become a framework for a balanced and holistic education in character and emotional intelligence. Chapters include discussions of marriage, family, and community as well as school-based character and life skills education. Cultivating Heart and Character offers fresh perspectives for everyone working to improve their own lives and make a difference in the lives of others.