Ferdi Fly and the Flamenco Guitar: Being Active苍蝇费尔迪与弗拉门戈吉他:运动起来Bella Butterfly and the Harp: Never Giving Up蝴蝶贝拉与竖琴:永不放弃Seymour Spider and the Drums: Teamwork蜘蛛西摩与架子鼓:团队合作Annabelle Ant and the Saxophone: Setting Goals蚂蚁安娜贝勒与萨克斯管:设定目标Jock McWaspy and the Bagpipes: Sharing小黄蜂乔克与风笛:学会分享Fergus Flea and the Trombone: Being Brave跳蚤弗格斯与长号:勇往直前Carlo Cockroach and the Piano: Making Extra Effort蟑螂卡洛与钢琴:加倍努力Monty Moth and the Fiddle: Being Organised飞蛾蒙蒂与小提琴:合理安排Sea Captain Caterpillar and the Squeeze Box: Being Sustainable毛毛虫船长与六角手风琴:长远考虑Fizzy Bee and the Trumpet:Working Hard蜜蜂菲兹与小号:努力工作Taylor Termite and the Clarinet: Caring For Your Things白蚁泰勒与单簧管:爱惜物品Sissy Slug and the Tuba: Being Strong鼻涕虫茜茜与大号:变得坚强Lilly Ladybug and the Double Bass: Making Friends瓢虫莉莉与低音提琴:结交朋友Charlie the Singing Snail: Being Reliable唱歌的蜗牛查利:成为可靠的人Centipede Jesse and the Banjo:Joining I蜈蚣杰西与班卓琴:寻找佳搭档Winnie Worm and the Harmonica: Kindness To Others蠕虫温妮与口琴:欣赏他人King Mantis and the One Man Band:Making Decisions螳螂国王与一人乐队:学会做决定Gobi Grasshopper and the Pungi: Giving It A Go蚱蜢戈比与蛇笛:勇敢尝试Johnnie Ray Beetle and the Electric Guitar: Being Yourself甲壳虫约翰尼·雷与电吉他:做你自己Mosquito Maestro and the Muzicbug Orchestra: Being A Leader蚊子马埃斯特罗与虫虫乐队:成为领导者 作者介绍 (澳)丽贝卡•米尼:丽贝卡•米尼拥有莫纳什大学的临床心理学和教育学博士学位,曾担任大学讲师,致力于临床实践中的教育和情绪健康研究。除了虫虫乐队系列,丽贝卡博士还在澳大利亚及国际学术期刊上发表了许多关于社会和情绪健康的著作,并在国际期刊及出版社担任评审。(澳)雷顿·史密斯:雷顿·史密斯是一位有着25年教学经验的全科小学教师。他编写了大量的视听觉教学材料,包括一系列的儿童音乐和歌曲等。同时他也是一位专业钢琴家和音乐家。 序言