前言 Introduction Unit 1 Engineering Properties of Rocks (Part 1)
Unit 2 Engineering Properties of Rocks (Part 2) 2.1 The Nature of Soils 2.2 Particle Size and Analysis 2.3 Plasticity of Fine-grained Soils 2.4 Soil Compaction
Unit 3 Rock Mass Classification 3.1 Engineering Rock Mass Classification 3.2 Terzaghi's Rock Mass Classification 3.3 Classifications Involving Stand-up Time 3.4 Rock Quality Designation Index (RQD)
Unit 4 Pore Pressure and Effective Stress 4.1 Stress in the Ground 4.2 Groundwater and Pore Pressure 4.3 Effective Stress 4.4 Importance of Effective Stress 4.5 Volume Change and Drainage 4.6 Drained Loading, Undrained Loading & Consolidation 4.7 Rates of Loading and Drainage
Unit 5 In Situ Testing 5.1 Penetrometers 5.2 Shear Vane Test 5.3 Plate Load and Jacking Tests 5.4 Pressure Tests 5.5 In Situ Shear Test
Unit 6 Consolidation Theory 6.1 The Oedometer Test 6.2 Compressibility Characteristics 6.3 Preconsolidation Pressure 6.4 1-D Consolidation Settlement 6.5 Degree of Consolidation 6.6 Terzaghi's Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation 6.7 Second Compression
Unit 7 Bearing Capacity 7.1 Stress Distribution in Soil 7.2 Foundation Failure 7.3 Bearing Capacity Factors 7.4 Contact Pressure 7.5 Allowable Contact Pressure For Rock Masses
Unit 8 Shear Strength (Part 1) 8.1 The Mohr——-Coulomb Failure Criterion 8.2 Shear Strength Tests
Unit 9 Shear Strength (Part 2) 9.1 Shear Strength of Sands 9.2 Shear Strength of Saturated Clays 9.3 The Critical State Concept 9.4 Residual Strength
Unit 10 Foundations for Buildings 10.1 Types of Foundation Structure 10.2 Bearing Capacity 10.3 Settlement 10.4 Methods of Ground Treatment
Unit 11 Embankment Dams: Introduction, Terminology, and Classification...
Unit 12 Methods of Slope Control and Stabilization 12.1 The Stability of Slopes 12.2 Reinforcement of Slopes 12.3 Drainage of Slopes Unit 13 Debris Flow: Introduction, Observation and Measurement 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Observations and Measurements for Debris Flow Unit 14 Natural Subsidence and Influence of Geological Processes 14.1 Introduction 14.2 The Meaning of Subsidence 14.3 Geological Cycle in Relation to Natural Subsidence 14.4 Sedimentary Basin Subsidence 14.5 Dolines, Swallow-holes, Sink-holes and Crown-holes 14.6 Subsidence Arising From Development of Subterranean Voids 14.7 Conclusion
Unit 15 Underground Caverns 15.1 Location of Underground Cavern 15.2 Stability of Underground Caverns 15.3 Influence of Joints 15.4 Excavation of Underground Caverns
Unit 16 Environmental Geology 16.1 Introductory Remarks 16.2 Geology and Regional Planning 16.3 Urban Planning 16.4 Waste Disposal 16.5 Geological Hazards 16.6 Environmental Impact Statements 16.7 Earthquake Hazards and Nuclear Power Stations
Unit 17 Tasks of Geological Investigation 17.1 Man as a Geological Agent 17.2 Regional Planning 17.3 Geological Analysis 17.4 Hydrogeological Analysis 17.5 Geological Investigation in Planning and.Building of Settlements...