目录 Chapter 1 Introductio001§1.1 ExplosioPhenomena and Characteristics 0011.1.1 ExplosioPhenomeno0011.1.2 Generalized Definitioof Explosio004§1.2 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 0041.2.1 Some Important Concepts and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 0041.2.2 First Law of Thermodynamics 0061.2.3 Second Law of Thermodynamics 0141.2.4 Helmholtz Free Energy and Gibbs Free Energy 017§1.3 Properties of Gas and Equations of State 0231.3.1 Properties of Gases 0231.3.2 Equations of State 025Chapter 2 Waves 029§2.1 Concepts 029§2.2 Sound Wave 032§2.3 One-Dimensional Plane Isentropic Flow of Gas 035Chapter 3 Shock Wave 050§3.1 Introductio050§3.2 Basic Equations of Shock Wave 050§3.3 Plane Shock Wave iAir 053§3.4 Characters of Shock Wave 057§3.5 Isentrope, Rayleigh Line and Hugoniot 060§3.6 Reflectioof Shock Wave 063Chapter 4 Thermochemistry of Explosive 067§4.1 ExplosioHeat 0674.1.1 Experimental Measurement of ExplosioHeat 0674.1.2 Calculatioof ExplosioHeat 0704.1.3 Ways of Improving the ExplosioHeat 072§4.2 Determinatioof ExplosioTemperature 0744.2.1 Experimental Measurement of ExplosioTemperature 0744.2.2 Theoretical Calculatioof ExplosioTemperature 0764.2.3 Ways to Change ExplosioTemperature 080§4.3 Equatioof ExplosioReactio0814.3.1 Theoretical Calculatioof the Equatioof ExplosioReactio0814.3.2 ReactioEquatioof the First Kind of Explosives 0834.3.3 ReactioEquatioof the Second Kind of Explosives 0854.3.4 Simplified Rule for Determining the Equations of ExplosioReactio086§4.4 Calculatiofor the Volume of ExplosioGases 087Chapter 5 DetonatioTheory 089§5.1 The Hydrodynamic Theory of DetonatioWave 090§5.2 Zeldovich-voNeumann-Doering Theory 093§5.3 Taylor Wave 096§5.4 DetonatioShock Dynamics 097§5.5 DetonatioWave Parameter Measurements 0995.5.1 Reaction-zone Measurements 0995.5.2 DetonatioWave Velocity Measurement 1015.5.3 Experimental Measurement of C-J Pressure 104§5.6 DetonatioWave Parameters CalculatioMethods 108§5.7 Factors Affecting DetonatioWave Propagatio1165.7.1 Diameter Effects: 2-D Steady Detonatio1165.7.2 DetonatioVelocity vs. Diameter 1185.7.3 Factors Affecting the Critical Diameter of Charge 119Chapter 6 Ignitio& Initiatioof Explosives 122§6.1 Thermal ExplosioTheory of Explosives 1226.1.1 The Physical Process of Thermal Explosio1226.1.2 Theory Model of Thermal Explosio1236.1.3 Thermal Sensitivity of Explosives 126§6.2 Shock Initiatioof Explosives 1316.2.1 Shock Initiatioof Homogeneous Explosives 1326.2.2 Shock Initiatioof Heterogeneous Explosives 1366.2.3 Hot Spots and Explosive Ignitio1376.2.4 IgnitioModelling 139§6.3 Non-shock Initiatioof Explosives 1436.3.1 Initiatioof Explosioby Frictio1436.3.2 Initiatioby Frictioof ExplosioiLiquids 1466.3.3 Initiatioof ExplosioiSolids: the Influence of Grit 1496.3.4 Initiatioby Impact of ExplosioiSolids 153§6.4 Sensitivity Evaluatioof Explosives 1596.4.1 Mechanically-Confined Cook-off Tests 1596.4.2 Drop-weight Test 1656.4.3 SusaTest 1696.4.4 SteveTest 170Chapter 7 Movement of DetonatioProducts 174§7.1 Expansioof DetonatioProducts 174§7.2 Impulse Acting othe Rigid Wall 178§7.3 Driving Effects oPisto183§7.4 Acceleratioof the Cylinder Shell 1887.4.1 Energy Model 1887.4.2 Momentum Model for Calculating 1947.4.3 Gurney Model for Calculating the Fragment Velocity 198Chapter 8 Initial Shock Wave Parameters Calculatioat the Interface of Compressible Solid 203§8.1 Introductio203§8.2 Interface BetweeExplosive and Compressible Solid 2058.2.1 The Case at 2058.2.2 The Case at 207§8.3 Interface BetweeCompressible Solids 212§8.4 Shock Wave Transmissioand Reflectio2148.4.1 Impedance Matching Technique 2158.4.2 Transmissio2178.4.3 Reflectioat the Free Surface 219References 226 作者介绍