Safety Principles
作者赵焕娟 编
- 品相描述:全新
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【书 名】 Safety Principles
【书 号】 9787502494063
【出 版 社】 冶金工业出版社
【作 者】 赵焕娟 编
【出版日期】 2023-03-01
【开 本】 16开
【定 价】 48.00元
1 Overview of Safety Science
1.1 The concept and characteristics of safety
1.1.1 The emergence of safety problems and their cognition process
1.1.2 Concepts and attributes of safety
1.1.3 Basic features of safety
1.2 The emergence and development of Safety Science
1.2.1 The birth of Safety Science
1.2.2 The development and current situation of foreign Safety Science
1.2.3 The development and current situation of domestic Safety Science
1.2.4 Discipline construction
1.3 The definition and discipline system of Safety Science
1.3.1 Definition of Safety Science
1.3.2 The research content and object of Safety Science
1.3.3 The discipline system of Safety Science and relationship with other disciplines
1.4 The basic terminology of Safety Science
2 Basic Knowledge of Safety Science
2.1 The philosophical basis of Safety Science
2.1.1 The unity and contradiction between safety and danger
2.1.2 The connection view and system view of Safety Science
2.1.3 Qualitative change and quantitative change in safety
2.1.4 The inevitability and contingeney of safety accident
2.1.5 Safety issues of simplicity and complexity,accuracy and fuzziness
2.1.6 Safety philosophy
2.2 The theoretical basis of Safety Science
2.2.1 Safety system theory
2.2.2 Safety information theory
2.2.3 Safety-control theory
2.2.4 Safety psychology and behavior
2.2.5 Safety management
2.2.6 Safety economics
2.2.7 Safety risk science
2.2.8 Safe ergonomics
2.2.9 Safety culture and enterprise safety culture
2.3 The mathematical basis of Safety Science
2.3 .I Basic logical operations and logical functions
2.3.2 Random events and probability calculations
2.3.3 Reliability and probability calculation of basic events
2.3.4 Several basic concepts commonly used in Safety Science
3 Theory of Rheology and Mutation
3.1 Background knowledge of rheology-mutation theory
3.1.1 Rheology-mutation theory of matter
3.1.2 The time and space view of rheology-mutation theory
3.1.3 The motion view of rheology-mutation theory
3.2 Basic characteristics of safety rheology-mutation
3.2.1 Mine disaster
3.2.2 Mechanical accident
3.2.3 Social change or reform
3.2.4 Human life process
3.2.5 Safety rheology-mutation theory
3.3 The basic theory of safety rheology-mutation
3.3.1 Rheology-mutation basic concept in Safety Science
3.3.2 Rheology-mutation theoretical model in Safety Science
3.3.3 Modern rheology-mutation theoretical model application in Safety Science
4 Summary of the Accident
4.1 Definition and characteristics of accidents
4.1.1 Definition of accident
4.1.2 The main influencing factors of the accident
4.1.3 Characteristies of the accident
4.2 Accidents classification
4.2.1 Classification of injury degree
4.2.2 Classification of injury
4.2.3 Classification of accident severity
4.2.4 Other categories of accidents
4.3 Accident statistics
4.3 .I Contents of accident statistics
4.3.2 Accident situation
4.3.3 Personnel situation
4.3.4 Situation of coal mining enterprises
4.3.5 Production safety accident reporting system
4.3.6 Calculation of economie loss of casualty accidents
4.3.7 Basic methods of accident statistics-statistical overview
4.3.8 Comprehensive index method
4.4 Accident investigation and handling
4.4.1 Incident reporting
4.4.2 Accident investigation
5 Accident Causation Theory and Model
5.1 The emergence and development of accident cause theory
5.2 Accident proneness
5.2.1 Overview of accident proneness
5.2.2 Accident liability
5.3 Accident causal chain theory
5.3.1 Causal inheritance
5.3.2 Types of accident causal
5.3.3 The causal and harmful object
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