From high-speed communication to alternative lifestyles,modern life is rapidly rendering old etiquette rules obsolete. Inthis helpful guide, doyenne of decorum Charlotte Ford takes themystery out of modern propriety with unstuffy, reliable advice onhow to behave and skillfully solve every social conundrum. Ms. Fordtackles cell phone civility, dating and the single life, workplacepropriety, dressing appropriately, entertaining, email and othercorrespondence, handling divorce and other life challenges; as wellas everyday etiquette for the gym, smoking, tipping, and more.Readers will welcome Ms. Ford's useful advice, all of whichoriginates in common sense and respect for others.
Charlotte Ford is the author of two other books and has been acontributing editor at McCall's magazine. She is active onthe boards of several charitable organizations.
Jacqueline de Montravel is the editor for Country magazineand has written for The New York Times and Lucky. Shewas also a correspondent for Lifetime Television0.