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01. Rashes that Itch发痒的疹子课程介绍斯坦福大学的“健康图书馆”是公开课中*热的课程之一,这是一门非常贴近生活的实用课程。这门课程以讲座的形式,为我们仔细讲解了生活中各种常见的健康问题,如抽烟与咳嗽、下腰痛、情绪失衡等,这些讲座告诉我们如何从身边的小事做起保持身心健康,如何从细节检测自己的健康状况,如何应对常见的疾病,如癌症、白血病、乳腺癌等。主讲教师彭大卫(DavidPeng)是斯坦福大学的临床副教授,主管实习医生培训项目,是斯坦福优秀亚裔教授的代表。在讲课中彭教授语言诙谐,吐字清晰,讲座的内容非常有条理,讲授的知识贴近学生的生活,非常实用。本节导读本节课主要介绍了发痒疹子的四种*平常的原因,并讨论了处理疹子的办法。第*个原因是干燥的皮肤,治疗方法就是使用润肤膏和教授自创的“3分钟法则”。第二个原因是真菌,方法是用杀灭真菌的药物。第三个原因是虫咬,可用局部类固醇药膏来治疗。第四种是一大类,即接触性过敏,其中教授介绍了I型过敏症和IV型过敏症的区别,*后指出治疗疹子*纯粹的方法,就是找出对什么过敏,然后避开它,不需要用任何药物。大师语录预防疹子*纯粹的方法,就是找到你过敏的物质,避开它,你不需要用任何药物。网友热评这节课很实用,我了解了一些常见的皮肤病的起因。——网易网友 帅帅的讲师,清晰的吐词,讲授生活的健康! ——网易网友 正文 Tonight, I’m going tolecturing on “Rashes that Itch”. Now this is always an interestingtopic because we all get these. There are many different forms ofrashes that can cause an itch. I wanted to begin by saying that Ihave never taken a cent from any drug company. During this lecture,I will refer to a couple of medications. Again, I’ve never takenanything from any of them. Maybe I should. I hear that they pay alot. I think many of us have gone through situations where we feelthis way—that it feels so good to scratch. Why is it thatdermatologists are so hesitant to have us do that? We’re going togo over some of the most common causes of itchy rashes, andhopefully at the end, we’ll talk about ways we can treat theserashes without scratching.今晚,我的讲座的题目是《发痒的疹子》。这总是个有趣的话题,因为我们都会起发痒的疹子。有许多不同类型的疹子,它们都会引起发痒。开始讲座之前我想要说的是,我从来没有拿过任何医药公司的一分钱,在讲座进行中,我将会提到一些药物,再讲一遍,我从没拿过他们的钱,或许我应该拿点儿,我听说他们会给很多钱。我想我们大多数人都有这样的经历,感觉挠痒痒太棒了,那为什么皮肤科医生这么不愿意让我们这么做呢?我们来看一下引起发痒疹子的一些*平常的原因,希望在*后,我们来讨论一些不通过挠痒痒来处理这些疹子的方法。The first cause of itching that I would mention is dry skin. I’mgoing to be using a lot of photographs in this lecture. I used tolike to leave my dermatology books out on the coffee table; my wifewould subsequently take them and hide them because some of thephotos that you see can be quite bothersome, so I apologize aheadof time. These are truly the causes of itching: The first one isdry skin. We call it “xerosis”. Xerosis is a condition in whichyour skin in seasonal variation can become very dry and very itchy.For many of us, it’s our normal skin. We were not intended to livein the dry desert of California. How do we treat this? The maintreatment to prevent itching from dry skin is moisturizing. Many ofus think, when we hear the word “moisturizers”, we think thatthey’re all the same. That’s actually not too true. The truth isthat moisturizers, there are four main types, and they vary instrength. ①The strength of a moisturizer is based on the vehicle.What a vehicle is the mode of delivery of a medicine. There arereally four different types. All the moisturizers are a combinationof oil and water. The four types are different percentages of oilversus water. The first two are “solutions” and “lotions”. ②Inthese two cases, the water content is far greater than the oilcontent. So if you were to try to moisturize yourself with theproduct you see on the left, that’s just a fluocinonide solution,it wouldn’t work very well. It would be like trying to moisturizeyour skin with water. We all know that that doesn’t work very well.In fact, things that have a lot of water in it tend to make us evenmore dry because when the water evaporates, it tends to take someof the moisture in our skin with it. So anytime you take a bath,and you come out, it actually makes you more dry after it hasevaporated. Water as a vehicle would not function well as amoisturizer. Now, as we add more oil into the water, the first stepthat we reach is lotion. Most of us use lotions. Why is that? Theymake us feel good after we’ve used them. ③They’re not too thick,and they’re not too greasy, but they’re still far more water thanoil. Anyone who comes in with very dry skin that causing asignificant itch, dermatologists don’t tend to prescribe lotionsfor them because the lotions actually make them worse. Thecharacteristic of a lotion is that it does have a little bit of oilto it, so it feels good on the skin. When you initially put it on,it does feel like it is moisturizing, but after a while, thoselotions will evaporate, and they can cause us to become even drier.So solutions and lotions we tend not to use as moisturizers, eventhough lotions are extremely popular. Another two types are creamsand ointments: these are where the oil content surpasses the watercontent. The classic creams would be like Eucerin cream or Cetaphilcream. Now, if you took a lotion and compared it to a cream, you’dsee that a cream is definitely thicker than a lotion. When youapply these creams, they actually tend to moisturize far betterthan the lotion, and they don’t evaporate. That can be troublesomeas well because you can see a white film on you all day long.Nevertheless, we try to moisturize with vehicles that have more oilthan water. Creams are a great option. The picture here on theright is an ointment. The most common ointment that we might use isVaseline. You can imagine when we put Vaseline on, so much so, whenyou put your clothes on top of that, you can get pretty notcomfortable because you can see the oil penetrating through theclothes. As a result, sometimes we tend not to use the ointmentsimply because it’s hard on the patient’s lifestyle. Where do wefall in the spectrum of solution versus lotion versus cream versusointment? ④If you were really moisturizing someone because it wasan itch that was so bad that it needed to be treated, we would tendto use an ointment because it tends to work the best. The problemis most people try to moisturize to try to able to go through theday. If that’s the case, we tend to fall on using creams becausecreams do work well. They are thick, but they’re not so oily asointments, and they tend to moisturize better, for sure better thanthe lotions and solutions. The first treatment for our first causeof itching is moisturizers.我要讲的发痒的第*个原因是干燥的皮肤。在这个讲座中,我会用到许多照片。我过去喜欢把皮肤学的书放在咖啡桌上,我妻子随后会把它们拿走藏起来,因为有些图片,你们可以看到,可能会非常恶心,所以我提前致歉。这些是导致发痒的真正原因,第*是干燥的皮肤,我们叫做“干燥病”。干燥病是指你的皮肤在季节的变化中会变得非常干燥和发痒。对于我们很多人来说,这是我们的正常皮肤,我们并不是想住在加利福尼亚的干旱沙漠里。我们要如何治疗干燥病呢?防止干燥皮肤发痒的主要治疗方法是湿润,我们许多人会想,当我们听到“润肤膏”这一词时,我们觉得它们都是一样的,实际上这并不完全正确。润肤膏主要有四种,它们在强度上有所不同,润肤膏的强度依赖于介质,介质是药物传送的方式,有四种不同的类型。所有的润肤膏都是油和水的混合物,这四种不同的类型取决于油和水不同的比例,前两者是“溶液”和“洗剂”,这两种的含水量要远远高于含油量。因此如果你尝试用左边你看到的这种产品湿润皮肤,这是氟轻松醋酸脂溶液,它不会起太大作用。这就像是用水湿润皮肤一样,我们都知道这不起作用。实际上,含水量多的东西甚至会让我们变得更加干燥,因为当水蒸发时,它会带走我们皮肤中的一部分水分。所以在任何时候,当你洗完澡出来,在水蒸发后,你会更加干燥。水这种介质作为湿润剂,并不是很起作用。现在,当我们将更多的油加入水中,我们达到的第*步是洗剂,我们大部分人都会用洗剂,为什么呢?在用完洗剂后,它们让我们感觉很舒服,它们不会很稠,也不会太滑腻,但它们仍然更像水而不是油。对任何因干燥皮肤而严重发痒的病人,皮肤科医生不会给他们开洗剂处方,因为洗剂会使他们的情况变得更坏。洗剂的特点是它的确含有一点油分,所以皮肤会感觉很好。当你*初涂抹时,确实感觉像是它在湿润皮肤,但过一会儿这些洗剂就会蒸发,这会让我们变得更加干燥。所以溶液和洗剂不是我们用作润肤膏的选择,尽管洗剂十分流行