目录 hapter 1Literature Review11Introduction12Race and Identity in Ethnic Chinese Childrens Lives13Language and Communication14Education and Employment: experiences of young ethnicChinese people15Background and aims of the current bookChapter 2Theoretical Framework21Introduction22Poststructuralist critique on classic theories of raceand ethnicity23Bourdieus concepts of ‘habitus’, capitals and field24Eliass concept of figuration25Discourse as internalised habitus26ConclusionChapter 3Searching for a Methodology31Introduction32What is research process?33Qualitative or quantitative Approach34Approaches to Interviewing35Observations36My own experience of going through the research process 37ConclusionChapter 4The Mainland Chinese School Children:Practice ofRelationBuilding41Introduction42Identifying with the host culture43Conclusion: beyond ethnic differenceChapter 5The Hong Kong Chinese School Children: The Construction ofCultural Alienation51Introduction52Sociological perspective53Social, cultural and historical conditions54General patterns of discourses 55Ways with ‘Them’56ConclusionsChapter 6Narratives of the Mainland Chinese Parents61Introduction62The Context of the Context63The Discourses of aversion to China and mitigation ofethnic tension64ConclusionEthnicity, Children and HabitusContentsChapter 7Narratives of the Hong Kong Chinese Parents71Introduction72Background: who are they?73An overview of Hong Kong Chinese in Northern Ireland 74Discourses of parents from Hong Kong75ConclusionChapter 8Discussion and Conclusion81Introduction82Research findings83The contributions of the current book 84Conclusion Chapter 9A Critical Reflection on the Research Process91Introduction92Social class93Gender difference94National and Ethnic identities95My own role in the research process96Remaining issues and future research BibliographyAppendixAcknowledgement 作者介绍