基本信息 书名:瑞士的鲁滨逊一家:英文版 定价:29.8元 作者:[瑞士]约翰·达维德·维斯 著 出版社:天津人民出版社 出版日期:2021-02-01 ISBN:9787201171067 字数:300 页码:368 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 精校英文原版,在满足原汁原味英文阅读的同时尽可能减少出版错误。 一部享誉西方的冒险小说,一部人与自然的现代童话。 书中不仅拥有激动人心的故事情节,而且生动地描述了几十种简洁实用的荒野求生技巧。 环保纯质纸,绿色安全印刷,经典32开本便于随身携带阅读。 学好英语,从原版阅读开始。 内容提要 《瑞士的鲁滨逊一家》是一部享誉西方的冒险小说,原著为瑞士人约翰 维斯撰写,本书为英文版。《瑞士的鲁滨逊一家》以纪实的笔法无比真实地讲述了一个现代的童话故事,展现了人与自然之间的和谐,以及人自身的善良与智慧。故事中的一家人从不盲目射杀野生动物,他们更热衷于费尽心思去驯服这些野兽,而且最后还和毛猴、鸵鸟、水牛、老鹰……这些动物成为了朋友。同时,他们也坚信人的善良、理性、智慧和想象力能帮助自己在荒野中生存。本书不仅拥有激动人心的故事情节,还生动地描述了几十种简洁实用的荒野求生技巧。 The Swiss Family Robinson, writteby Swiss writer and clergymaJohanDavid Wyss, is a novel about a Swiss family of immigrants whose ship eroute to Port Jackson, Australia, goes off course and is shipwrecked ithe East Indies. JohanDavid Wyss and his two sons were great admirers of Daniel Defoe's RobinsoCrusoe. After reading and discussing Defoe's famous story, they decided to continue the adventure. So they pretended that they, too, had beeshipwrecked oa desert island. They spent many winter evenings telling each other tales of their imaginary life there. The father wrote dowtheir stories,and one son, JohanEmmanuel, illustrated them with drawings and watercolors. Some years later, the other son, JohanRudolph, edited and published the stories as The Swiss Family Robinson. The book quickly became very popular and was translated into English i1820.To this day, the Wyss family's tale of the adventures of a shipwrecked Swiss family is a favorite of young people all over the world. 目录 Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18 作者介绍 原著为瑞士牧师约翰 达维德 维斯(1743-1818)所作,维斯是一个军队牧师,他把这个故事的情节一一讲给了他的4个儿子听。他留下了没有写完也没有组织好的手稿,1812-1813年在苏黎世由儿子约翰 鲁道夫 维斯(1781-1830)编辑出版,题为《瑞士的鲁滨逊漂游记》。随后经译者和编者的修改、补充,篇幅增加了不少。 JohanDavid Wyss was a Swiss author, best remembered for hiook The Swiss Family Robinson. He waorand died iBern. It is said that he was inspired by Daniel Defoe's RobinsoCrusoe, but wanted to write a story from which his owchildrewould learn, as the father ithe story taught important lessons to his children. The Swiss Family Robinsowas first published iGermaand translated into English two yeaslater. It has since become one of the most popular books of all time. The book was edited by his son, JohanRudolf Wyss, a scholar who wrote the Swiss national anthem. Another son, JohanEmmanuel Wyss, illustrated the book. Wyss haeedescribed as aauthor whose style was "firmly Christiaand moral itone". There are also many underlying tones of Christianity throughout the book and ithe case of many of the characters and their morals. 序言