基本信息 书名:荷兰起义 定价:22元 作者:李传敢,吉尔德仁 出版社:中国政法大学出版社 出版日期:2003-07-01 ISBN:9787562024071 字数: 页码:250 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 This is a major new English-language edition of five central texts in the historyof the political thought of the Dutch Revolt. Published between 1570 and1590 these texts exemplify the development of the political ideas whichmotivated and legitimated the resistance to the government of Philip lI in theLow Countries, and which became the cmcial part of the ideologicalfoundations of the Dutch Republic as it started to become one of Europe'smain powers. Ks is shown by the 1570'Defence and True Declaration', the1576 Address and Opening', the 1579 ' Brief Discourse', the 1582 PoliticalEducation and the 1587 ' Short Exposition ' notions of liberty,constitutionalism, representation and popular soverei~ty were of centralimportance to the political thought and the revolutionary events of the DutchRevolt. In the introduction, which locates the five texts in their political andintellectual context, Martin van Gelderen argues that the Revolt's oliticalthought was as much inspired by the indigenous legacy of Dutchconstitutionalism and civic consciousness as by the intellectual legacy of thelateMiddle Ages, Renaissance and Refomaation.Biographical notes and numerous annotations are provided to aid the student mexploring some of the most innovative texts of the Dutch Revolt; this editionalso includes a chronology of the Revolt's main events and a guide to furtherreading. 内容提要 囊括了所有著名的经典原著,但与此同时,它又扩展了传统的评价尺度,以便能够纳入范围广泛、不那么出名的作品。每一本书都有一个评论性的导言,加上历史年表、生平梗概、进一步阅读指南,以及必要的词汇表和原文注解。 目录 PrefaceIntroductionChronologyBiographical notesNote on the textsA Defence and True Declaration(1570)Address and Opening (1576)Brief Discourse(1579)Political Exposition(1582)Short Exposition(1587) 作者介绍