From George Washington to Barack Obama, Presidents have usedinaugural addresses to articulate their hopes and dreams for anation. Collectively, these addresses chronicle the course of thiscountry from its earliest days to the present.
Inaugural addresses have taken various tones, themes andforms. Some have been reflective and instructive, while others havesought to challenge and inspire. Washington’s second inauguraladdress on March 4, 1793 required only 135 words and is theshortest ever given. The longest on record—8495 words—was deliveredin a snowstorm March 4, 1841 by William Henry Harrison.
Invoking a spirit of both history and patriotism, inauguraladdresses have served to reaffirm the liberties and freedoms thatmark our remarkable system of government. Many memorable andinspiring passages have originated from these addresses.
This collection includes the great inaugural addresses of 38presidents of the United States. It is our hope that this volumewill serve as an important and valuable reference for historians,scholars and English learners.