The runaway international bestseller with more than 600,000copies sold, now expanded to make its message even more compellingfor todays market leaders.. Why is it that Casio can sell acalculator more cheaply than Kelloggs can sell a box of cornflakes? Why can FedEx absolutely, positively deliver your packageovernight but airlines have trouble keeping track of your bags?What does your company do better than anyone else? What uniquevalue do you provide to your customers? How will you increase thatvalue next year? As customers demands for the highest qualityproducts, best services, and lowest prices increase daily, therules for market leadership are changing. Once powerful companiesthat havent gotten the message are faltering, while others, new andold, are thriving. In disarmingly simple and provocative terms,Treacy and Wiersema show what it takes to become a leader in yourmarket, and stay there, in an ever more sophisticated and demandingworld.
Fred Wiersema is a leading business strategist and consultant tohigh-performance companies. He is senior vice-president of CSCIndex, the international management consulting firm known for itspioneering approaches to business strategy, reengineering andlarge-scale change. He has been featured in ‘Fortune’, ‘BusinessWeek’ and various leading European business publications. --Thistext refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of thistitle.