Chapter 1?Overview of Cryptography and Its Applications?密码学及其应用概述 1.1?Secure Communications?安全通信 1.1.1 Possible Attacks?四种主要的攻击 1.1.2 Symmetric and Public Key Algorithms?对称和公钥算法 1.1.3 Key Length?密钥长度 1.2?Cryptographic Applications?密码学应用
Chapter 2?Classical Cryptosystems?传统密码系统 2.1?Shift Ciphers?移位密码 2.2?Affine Ciphers?仿射密码 2.3?The Vigenère Cipher?维吉内尔密码 2.3.1 Finding the Key Length?算出密钥长度 2.3.2 Finding the Key: First Method?算出密钥的第一种方法 2.3.3 Finding the Key: Second Method?算出密钥的第二种方法 2.4?Substitution Ciphers?替换密码 2.5?Sherlock Holmes?夏洛克·福尔摩斯 2.6?The Playfair and ADFGX Ciphers?Playfair和ADFGX密码 2.7?Enigma?Enigma密码机 2.8?Exercises?习题 2.9?Computer Problems?上机练习
Chapter 3?Basic Number Theory?数论简介 3.1?Basic Notions?基本概念 3.1.1 Divisibility?整除性 3.1.2 Prime Numbers?素数 3.1.3 Greatest Common Divisor?最大公因子 3.2?The Extended Euclidean Algorithm?扩展的欧几里得算法 3.3?Congruences?同余式 3.3.1 Division?除法 3.3.2 Working with Fractions?使用分式 3.4?The Chinese Remainder Theorem?中国余数定理 3.5?Modular Exponentiation?模指数 3.6?Fermat’s Theorem and Euler’s Theorem?费马小定理和欧拉定理 3.6.1?Three-Pass Protocol?三轮协议 3.7?Primitive Roots?原根 3.8?Inverting Matrices Mod n?模n求逆矩阵 3.9?Square Roots Mod n?模n平方根 3.10?Legendre and Jacobi Symbols?勒让德和雅可比符号 3.11?Finite Fields?有限域 3.11.1 Division?除法 3.11.2 GF(28) 3.11.3 LFSR Sequences?线性反馈移位寄存器序列 3.12?Continued Fractions?连分数 3.13?Exercises?习题 3.14?Computer Problems?上机练习
Chapter 4?The One-Time Pad?一次一密 4.1?Binary Numbers and ASCII?二进制数和ASCII码 4.2?One-Time Pads?一次一密 4.3?Multiple Use of a One-Time Pad?一次一密的多次使用 4.4?Perfect Secrecy of the One-Time Pad?一次一密的完全保密 4.5?Indistinguishability and Security?不可区分性和安全性 4.6?Exercises?习题
Chapter 7?The Data Encryption Standard?数据加密标准(DES) 7.1?Introduction?简介 7.2?A Simplied DES-Type Algorithm?DES算法的简化版 7.3?Differential Cryptanalysis?差分密码分析 7.3.1 Differential Cryptanalysis for Three Rounds?三轮差分密码分析 7.3.2 Differential Cryptanalysis for Four Rounds?四轮差分密码分析 7.4?DES?DES算法 7.4.1?DES Is Not a Group?DES算法不是代数群 7.5?Breaking DES?破解DES 7.6?Password Security?口令安全 7.7?Exercises?习题 7.8?Computer Problems?上机练习
Chapter 8?The Advanced Encryption Standard: Rijndael 高级加密标准:Rijndael 8.1?The Basic Algorithm?算法简介 8.2?The Layers?层的描述 8.2.1 The SubBytes Transformation?SubByte变换 8.2.2 The ShiftRows Transformation?ShiftRow变换 8.2.3 The MixColumns Transformation?MixColumn变换 8.2.4 The RoundKey Addition?RoundKey加法 8.2.5 The Key Schedule?密钥扩展方案 8.2.6 The Construction of the S-Box?S盒的结构 8.3?Decryption?解密算法 8.4?Design Considerations?设计中的考虑 8.5?Exercises?习题
Chapter 9?The RSA Algorithm?RSA算法 9.1?The RSA Algorithm?RSA算法简介 9.2?Attacks on RSA?RSA算法的攻击 9.2.1 Low Exponent Attacks?低指数攻击 9.2.2 Short Plaintext?短明文 9.2.3 Timing Attacks?时间攻击 9.3?Primality Testing?素性检测 9.4?Factoring?因子分解 9.4.1 x2≡y2 9.4.2 Using ar≡1? ar≡1的应用 9.5?The RSA Challenge?RSA挑战 9.6?An Application to Treaty Verification?协约验证的应用 9.7?The Public Key Concept?公钥密码系统概念 9.8?Exercises?习题 9.9?Computer Problems?上机练习
Chapter 10?Discrete Logarithms?离散对数 10.1?Discrete Logarithms?离散对数简介 10.2?Computing Discrete Logs?离散对数的计算 10.2.1 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm?Pohlig-Hellman算法 10.2.2 Baby Step, Giant Step?小步-大步法 10.2.3 The Index Calculus?指数计算法 10.2.4 Computing Discrete Logs Mod 4?模4离散对数的计算 10.3?Bit Commitment?比特承诺 10.4?Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange?Diffie-Hellman 密钥协商协议 10.5?The ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem?ElGamal公钥密码系统 10.5.1 Security of ElGamal Ciphertexts?ElGamal密文的安全性 10.6?Exerc