1 Starting the course 1.1 Multi-introductions Introducing people in English 1.2 Personal descriptions Describing yourself and others 1.3 Name round Recalling or stating personal ambition 1.4 Personal introductions Self-description 1.5 Ask me a question Looking at the familiar in a new way 1.6 What I like Revealing your individuality 1.7 How I spend my time Comparing real-world time constraints with ideal-world freedom 1.8 Personalized greetings Initiating and maintaining conversations 1.9 I'm this type of person Describing what you're like 1.10 How I feel about the language I'm learning Giving reasons for your attitude to the target language
2 Warming up 2.1 The personality you carry with you Finding out what you have in common 2.2 The parts of my life Focusing on what is important in one's life 2.3 Evaluating objects Close observation 2.4 Intensive pronunciation work Practice in problematic sounds 2.5 Careful listening Describing sound 2.6 My world Talking about where you live 2.7 The best and the worst Responding with feeling to news 2.8 Making small talk Social chit-chat
3 Acting, reacting, interacting 3.1 Reactions Ascertaining how people feel 3.2 Exact replication Retelling, in a foreign language, what was told to you in that language 3.3 Be my eyes Communicating pictures in speech 3.4 Creating a drama Emotive exchanges 3.5 Function review Looking at language as functions 3.6 Telling lies Discerning the truth 3.7 Language challenge Specific language revision 3.8 Congratulations Congratulating each other
4 Self-awareness and self-assertion 4.1 Stop the stranger talking Strategies for avoiding conversation 4.2 Survival Persuasion techniques 4.3 Empathizing and persuading Defusing anger with calm 4.4 Making people laugh Trying to change someone's mood with words 4.5 I'm like that too Building up rapport in class 4.6 What can be asked? Gaugingappropriacy 4.7 Deflecting questions How to not answer questions 4.8 Being sympathetic Supporting in positive and negative situations 4.9 Being assertive Establishing an assertive manner
5 Values and values awareness 5.1 Valued possessions Value awareness 5.2 Mock auction Describing things positively 5.3 Role and language State and attitude 5.4 Desirable qualities Talking about the best and worst in human nature 5.5 What's important in a teacher? Describing important qualities in teachers 5.6 Qualities for life Deciding what qualities help you get the best out of life 5.7 Treasuredpossessions The emotional value of material things 5.8 Deserving causes Persuasion
6 Self-knowledge and knowledge of others 6.1 My past, my self Knowledge of past self 6.2 Changes Discussing significant life experiences 6.3 Life maps Judging the listener's interest 6.4 Personal coat of arms Representing yourself in a badge 6.5 True short stories Talking about true-life incidents 6.6 Colours Accurate description of colours 6.7 Things I can't do without Visual representation of things important to individuals 6.8 How I used to be Evaluating past behaviour
7 Images and scenes - real and ideal 7.1 The never-ending story Story-telling 7.2 The buck stops here Story-telling 7.3 Unusual life experiences Speaking confidently in public 7.4 Pictures Describing landscapes 7.5 Writing from pictures Collaborative writing task 7.6 Months in my life Associations with times of the year 7.7 Numbers in my life Associations with numbers 7.8 Feelings Acting out different moods and feelings 7.9 Your image of yourself Describing yourself in terms of something else 7.10 A painting of yourself Describing a picture
8 Closing the course 8.1 Me and the course Evaluating'learning 8.2 Unconditional positive regard Complimenting 8.3 Parting gifts Awareness of personality 8.4 Saying thank you Acknowledging everyone's contribution to the class 8.5 The mood game Portraying scenes in a particular manner 8.6 The course in pictures Using pictures as an aid to giving opinions 8.7 Somebody else thinks this Saying what you think without saying it yourself 8.8 Attitudes to the language you are learning Expressing how you feel about the target language