目录 前言 1.(赵佶)宴山亭·北行见杏花 I see apricot blossoms on my northbound way. 2.(钱惟演)木兰花 From atop the bailey , noisy chirps do blackcaps send. 3.(范仲淹)渔家傲 In fall the frontier has, different from home, the sights 4.(范仲淹)苏幕遮 The sky appears celeste with clouds in white. 5.(范仲淹)御街行 The fretful falling leaves caress the grassy steps. 6.(张先)千秋岁 Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo 7.(张先)菩萨蛮 She plays on the zither song of Xiang Rill. 8.(张先)醉垂鞭 On dress hers flutter two embroidered butterflies. 9.(张先)一丛花 When will I end ascending high to yearn for the far? 10.(张先)天仙子 Goblet in hand, I list to Melody of Eau. 11.(张先)青门引 It just gets warm, so theres a nip. 12.(晏殊)浣溪沙 I taste so new a poem with a cup of wine. 13.(晏殊)浣溪沙 A peoples lifetime fleets as gone is an instant brief. 14.(晏殊)清平乐 In the letter red the words are close and fine. 15.(晏殊)清平乐 The autumn wind is cool and light. 16.(晏殊)木兰花 After gone swans and swallows orioles migrate. 17.(晏殊)木兰花 The pond is blue and vernal breezes warmly blow. 18.(晏殊)诉衷情 The wind from east is blowing willows nicely green. 19.(晏殊)玉楼春 An arbor stands by a road through verdant willows and lawn. 20.(晏殊)破阵子 Swallows arrive on sacred rites to village gods. 21.(晏殊)踏莎行 Our farewell was made in a long kiosk with songs and toot. 22.(晏殊)踏莎行 The paths with scattering blows 23.(晏殊)蝶恋花 To verdant willows clings the winding balustrade. 24.(韩缜)凤箫吟