内容简介: 本书是第十二届靠前中国科学史会议论文集,全书收录靠前外学者提交的约30篇论文,内容涉及"科技的跨文化传播与比较研究"、"中国古代科学技术与医学典籍研究"、"世界传统工艺与非物质文化遗产"等,涵盖中国科学史、技术史、医学史、农学史和传统工艺等多个领域,学者们研究的视角来自历史、文化、哲学、社会学、人类学、考古学、生态学等多个方面。 目录: Preface Standing Firm at Thirty: in Celebration to the 30th Anniversary of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology Disciplinary Development of the History of Science and Technology in China Conference Address History of Science at the Beginning of the 21 th Century Configurations Versus Equations: A Notational Difference Zhu Shijie's Method of "Four Unknowns" as Inspiration for Wu Wen-Tsun The Combination of Mathematics and Music——The Comparativ ...