内容简介: Zhang Shiqing著Philippe Chang译Zhang Shiqing摄影的《徽州乡土村落(英文版)(精)》内容精练、文字通俗、图文并茂、设计考究,是适合海内外读者轻松阅读、便于携带的专业与文化并蓄的普及性读物。目的是让更多的热爱中华文化的人,更全面地欣赏和认识中国传统建筑特有的丰姿、独特的设计手法、精湛的建造技艺,及其美妙的细部处理,并为世界建筑界记录可资回味的建筑文化遗产,为海内外读者打开一扇建筑知识和艺术的大门。 目录: I. Rural Landscapes II. In the Land of Idyllic Beauty III. The Formation of Villages in Huizhou IV. Following the Water V. The Village Structure VI. Clan Clusters VII. Location of a Home VIII. Cultural Connotations IX. Bayou--the Gateway to a Village X. Configurations of a Residential Construction XI. Uniqueness of Hui-Style Architecture XII. Elegant "Three Workmanship of Sculpture" XIII. Inspirations from Huizhou Villages Chronology of Significant Events