内容简介: 本书是一部从哲学角度讨论技术问题的专著。作者多年从事技术哲学方面的教研工作,取得许多引人注目的成果。全书共分十二章,较为全面深刻地论述了关于技术哲学的研究对象、历史和基本问题、技术的基本特点、技术与社会的相互关系等,是一部难得的关于技术哲学方面的很好著作。 目录: Translators' Preface Preface to the Second Edition Foreword 1 Technology from the philosophical perspective 1.1Philosophical issues in technology 1.2Theory of human reconfiguration of nature 1.3Philosophy of technology and its neighboring disciplines 2 Birth of philosophy of technology 2.1Budding thoughts of philosophy of technology 2.2Modem philosophers' views on technology 2.3Philosophy of technology in the nineteenth century 2.4Modem philosophy of technology 3From undisturbed nature to rec ...