内容简介: 《新编英国文学》是英国文学发展的一个概括,所选内容均为英国文学目前脍炙人口的经典作品,不但选材精当,注释也极其详尽准确,是帮助英国专业学生和英语爱好者学习英语和文学的一本的好书。 目录: Chapter 1 Old English Literature Ⅰ. Historical Background Ⅱ. The Development of the English Language Ⅲ. Literary Features Ⅳ. Representative Writers and Works Ⅴ. Beowulf and the Heroic Epic Tradition Chapter2 Middle English Literature Ⅰ. Historical Background Ⅱ. Literary Features Ⅲ. Romance and Sir Gawain Ⅳ. Popular Ballad Ⅴ. Medieval Drama Ⅵ. William Langland and Piers Plowman Ⅶ. Geoffrey Chaucer Ⅷ. Reading Chapter3 Literature of Renaissance and Reformation (1510—1620) Ⅰ. Historical Background Ⅱ. Literary Features Ⅲ. Renaissance Poetry Ⅳ. Renaissance Prose Ⅴ. Renaissance Drama Ⅵ. William Shakespeare Ⅶ. Reading Chapter4 Literature of Revolution and Restor ...