1903年因母亲病危回国。1904年开始,应邀为《爱尔兰农家》杂志撰定短篇小说,共十五篇,后集结以《都柏林人》为书名出版,颇受好评。之后陆续发表的《一个青年艺术家的肖像》等,因成功地融合了象征主义和现实主义,也引起极大的反响。 1922年,其代表作《尤利西斯》在巴黎出版书中所采用的“意识流”创作手法,引起诸多讨论和瞩目,影响亦颇为深远。乔伊斯的其他代表作品还有《为芬尼根守灵》等。 主编推荐: 《一个青年艺术家的画像(英文版世界文学经典读本)》是乔伊斯靠前次运用意识流手法写就的长篇小说。它宣告了一个文学新时代的到来。读完《尤利西斯》,或许需要某种勇气,而读完《一个青年艺术家的画像》,你需要的仅仅是打开靠前页。因为正像所有浩瀚河流的源头,它清澈,纯净,宛如新生。 内容简介: 这是乔伊斯早年创作的一部自传体小说,描写主人公迪达罗斯由童年、少年乃至青年各阶段的成长:在校遭体罚,青春萌动时期的嫖妓,以及邂逅一名少女,互生情愫,表现了迪达罗斯知性和宗教-哲学观念的觉醒,起而反抗平庸、鄙陋的都柏林传统社会和宗教势力,摒弃为教会服务的人生道路,决心成为一名艺术家。在叙事技巧及语言风格方面,本书“在世界上产生巨大影响”,并成为乔伊斯后来的很好之作《尤利西斯》和《芬尼根的醒来》的先声。作品的另一特色,即常常省略掉句子的标点。此书1904年开始写作,1911年差点儿被作者付之一炬,还是乔伊斯的妹妹把手稿抢救出来,在美国诗人埃兹拉·庞德的鼓励下发表于《利己主义者》。1998年,美国现代图书馆评选“20世纪100很好英文小说”,本书以第三名入选。 摘要: He blessed himself and climbed quickly into bed and, tucking the end of the nightshirt under his feet, curled himself together under the cold white sheets, shaking and trembling. But he would not go to hell when he died; and the shaking would stop. A voice bade the boys in the dormitory good night. He peered out for an instant over the coverlet and saw the yellow curtains round and before his bed that shut him off on all sides. The light was lowered quietly The prefect's shoes went away. Where? Down the staircase and along the corridors or to his room at the end? He saw the dark. Was it true about the black dog that walked there at night with eyes as big as carriage-lamps? They said it was the ghost of a murderer. A long shiver of fear flowed over his body He saw the dark entrance hall of the castle. Old servants in old dress were in the ironing-room above the staircase. It was long ago. The old servants were quiet. There was a fire there, but the hall was still dark. A figure came up the staircase from the hall. He wore the white cloak of a marshal; his face was pale and strange; he held his hand pressed to his side. He looked out of strange eyes at the old servants.They looked at him and saw their master's face and cloak and knew that he had received his dea ... 目录: CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V