内容简介: 本书是一本零起点对外汉语教材,以汉语拼音为依托,英汉对照,辅助有趣插图和生动录音,使读者在轻松愉快的氛围中快速掌握实用、时尚的汉语。本书由从事对外汉语教学多年的李妍老师编著,内容形式多样,风趣幽默。本书是一本零起点对外汉语教材,以汉语拼音为依托,英汉对照,辅助有趣插图和生动录音,使读者在轻松愉快的氛围中快速掌握实用、时尚的汉语。本书由从事对外汉语教学多年的李妍老师编著,内容形式多样,风趣幽默。 目录: How to read Chinese phonetic marks: Pinyin Chapter 1 Saying"hi"and other polite phrases Information: Ni chile ma? & Ni qu nar? Chapter 2 Numbers Information: Reading Chinese numbers Chapter 3 Daily activities and everyday feelings Information: Night life in China Chapter 4 Making short comments Information: Ice cream and umbrella Chapter 5 Saying no under different circumstances Information: Popular drinks in China Chapter 6 Making short suggestions Information: What do Chinese people do after work? Chapter 7 Everyday questions Information: How to address people? Chapter 8 Pet phrases Information: What interests you most about China? Chapter 9 Tiny sentences that make a pleasant conversation Information: It is customary to ...