精彩内容: There are some further points to note about this exchange. First,the meanings involved are specific to this particular context. IfDoreen had been speaking to her mother, for example, she couldnot have conceivably intended to suggest or request that they getmarried. Second, according to my interpretation - and my claimabout how Arthur took Doreen's remark - the ultimate messagethat she intended to convey was something like, 'We ought to&n ... 内容简介: 《语言与社会》全面地介绍了社会语言学这一领域,也是从社会语言学视角对语言学理论进行整合的一次成功尝试。对于想了解这一领域的读者来说,该书是一个极好的出发点;而对于想进一步深入研究这一领域的读者来说,通过阅读《语言与社会》则可以获得一个更系统;更全面的视角,客观地比较不同学派的成果,深入地理解有关研究成果的理论意义。 摘要: There are some further points to note about this exchange. First,the meanings involved are specific to this particular context. IfDoreen had been speaking to her mother, for example, she couldnot have conceivably intended to suggest or request that they getmarried. Second, according to my interpretation - and my claimabout how Arthur took Doreen's remark - the ultimate messagethat she intended to convey was something like, 'We ought to getmarried.' But this message is not 'coded' in the actual words. It isimplied by Doreen and inferred by Arthur. It is an example ofintentional communication conveyed inferentially. Third, it ispossible that I could be mistaken about Doreen's intention. In thiskind of inference there is always an element of risk. Fourth, sincethe intention is indirectly conveyed, it is deniable by Doreen; shecould always say in reply, 'What are you talking about? I only saidshe looked nice!' Speaking indirectly allows for tactics in the nego-tiation of relationships, for treading softly. Fifth, note the elementof indeterminacy or vagueness in the message. I gave a number ofalternative speech act analyses above, for example, 'to request', 'tobroach', 'to suggest' etc. Even leaving speech acts aside, there aremany distinct ways we could 'take' the message as alte ... 目录: Acknowledgements Linguistics and sociolinguistics A tapestry in space and time Language varieties: processes and problems Discovering the structure in variation Rhoticity At the intersection of social factors Change, meaning and acts of identity The discourse of social life Communication: words and world Action and critique Language and social explanation Further reading References Index