方程 环球雅思听力、写作 主讲老师华中科技大学英语 - 行政管理双学位;03年英语专业八级;23岁登上大学本科讲台(拥有高校教师资格证),后专门从事雅思研究与教学,“弦外之音” ... 主编推荐: 本书特点及卖点;抢很好时期,优先占领市场;本书作者不仅是一线名师,而且多为有丰富经验的雅思类书籍畅销作者,具有少见的号召力和庞大的粉丝团;全真预测题,努力做到与剑桥真题“0”差别,才能让考生身临其境。 精彩内容: Somdat Mahabir of the National Cancer Institute and his colleaguesinvestigated the role of alcohol on serum vitamin D values among post-menopausal women. Although alcoholics tend to have weak bones, some data had indicated that moderate alcohol consumption might improve bone mineral density. The question Mahabir's group sought to answer: Would a drink or two a day compromise bone health?
So they recruited 51 postmenopausal w ... 内容简介: 剑桥雅思8预计于今年9月至12月期间推出,环球雅思召集一线名师把握靠前时间,迅速出击,合力著作这本《剑8超前预测》,所有题型均沿袭剑1-剑7完整风格,4套A类题,1套G类题,针对不同题型配上精彩解析、重点词讲解及准确译文,提前带考生领略剑8风采。 摘要: Somdat Mahabir of the National Cancer Institute and his colleaguesinvestigated the role of alcohol on serum vitamin D values among post-menopausal women. Although alcoholics tend to have weak bones, some data had indicated that moderate alcohol consumption might improve bone mineral density. The question Mahabir's group sought to answer: Would a drink or two a day compromise bone health? So they recruited 51 postmenopausal women to a long trial. For eight weeks, each got no alcohol (in orange juice), the equivalent of one drink's worth, or two drink's worth of alcohol. Each woman went through each eight week cycle, although in a random order (with four weeks of fin between each cycle). During the test phases, all meals were prepared for the women —— ensuring that each received all the nutrients needed to support health and maintain their current weight. Bottom line: This federal study found no link between alcohol and D. Only two things stuck out: Blacks tended to have about two-thirds as much vitamin D in their blood as did white women (a trend noted elsewhere).And the more obese a woman was, the lower her vitamin D level. Some studies have indicated that anything under 80 nanomoles of vitamin Dper milliliter of blood should be deemed insufficient. In ... 目录: Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 General Training 参考答案与解析 听力录音原文