目录 论文 由新出青铜器再论“恭王长年说”一一兼论西周中期後段青铜器的变化 Ancient Chinese Bells and the Origin of the Chromatic Scale 周公辅成王 Dong Qichang’s Seals:A More Rigorous Approach to the Dating of Undated Works Celia Carrington Riely 分歧与动力一一论王铎与董其昌 书评 Wang Haicheng,Writing and the Ancient State:Early China in Comparative Perspective Wei—cheng Lin,Building a Sacred Mountain: The Buddhist Architecture of China's Mount Peter N.Miller and Franqois Louis,eds.Antiquarianism and Intellectual Life in Europe and China,1500-1800 and Alain Schnapp,ed.,with Lothar von Falkenhausen,Peter N. Miller,and Tim Murray, World Antiquarianism:Comparative Perspectives