目录 Chapter Ⅰ Robots: Another Chinese Dream Ⅰ.Laying the foundations with an ambition Ⅱ.The first student Ⅲ.Bringing ideas back to Beijing Ⅳ.This is how one giant grew up Ⅴ.Becoming attached to robots Ⅵ.When Deng Xiaoping met "her". Chapter Ⅱ We Have the "First Person" Ⅰ.Transatlantic handshake Ⅱ.Robot "friendly corridor". Ⅲ.The birth Chapter Ⅲ The Combat Arena for Smart Machines Ⅰ.The era of"863". Ⅱ.Fantastic interaction with the world Ⅲ."Brain" and "hand" Ⅳ.Searching for "the elixir of life". Ⅴ.The FBIs routine inspection Chapter Ⅳ The Motherland is Our Identity Ⅰ.The sound of the wind on the Rhine Ⅱ.A letter from home is worth 10,000 pieces of gold Ⅲ.Spiritual purity Chapter Ⅴ A Lifes Devotion to Robots Ⅰ.The CR-01 swims towards the Pacific Ocean Ⅱ.A bitter pill Ⅲ.The AGVs maiden show Ⅳ.The debut of Chinese welding robots Ⅴ.Gold-digging abroad Chapter Ⅵ "Birth Certificate" Granted by the State Ⅰ.Science researchers and businessmen Ⅱ.Surviving in the cracks Ⅲ.Outwitting an "old master". Chapter Ⅶ Flexing Muscles on a Grand Stage Ⅰ.Let the spirit stand up first Ⅱ.Ways cannot be changed Ⅲ.Commando Ⅳ.Foreign robots are acclimatized Ⅴ.Venturing in Shanghai Chapter Ⅷ "Magical Change" Ⅰ.The eyas leaves the nest Ⅱ.A great rival Ⅲ.Successful business model innovation Ⅳ."The iron god". Ⅴ.Competition on the same platform Ⅵ.The cute "Song Song". Chapter Ⅸ Three Breathtaking Attempts Ⅰ.Several crushes Ⅱ.Going public against all odds Ⅲ.Every step involved risks Ⅳ.Embrace "paradise on earth". Chapter Ⅹ Entering the Era of Robotic Technology Ⅰ.Independent development of core technologies Ⅱ."Waking up" foreign robots with a Chinese control unit.. Ⅲ.SIASUNs newness Chapter Ⅺ Aiming at 2025 Ⅰ.Chinas support for development Ⅱ.Dazzling skills of a "superman". Ⅲ.Liang Liangs show in the Zhongnanhai Ⅳ.The alliance between BMW and SIASUN Chapter Ⅻ The Giant Continues to Move Forward Ⅰ.China supports the robot Ⅱ.Necessary harmony between human and robot Ⅲ.Beijing Consensus