内容简介: 《中文读本》是一套泛读教材,共3册。这套读本精选若干富有情趣的文章,生词新语有相应的英文翻译,文后有小笑话、小幽默、小故事、古诗词等,妙趣横生,寓教于乐。本套教材可与《标准中文》第三级配套使用。 Chinese Reader is a set of extensive reading materials in three volumes. It is a carefully selected collection of interesting and extremely readable articles. There are also English translation of new words and phrases. Following each article, there are jokes, humorous stories and ancient poems, which are both entertaining and instructive. This set also can be used as a companion to the Student’s Books for level-three of Standard Chinese. 特别声明: 更多图书资讯请登录WWW.PEP.COM.CN或致电010-58759316人教希望读者服务部查询邮购。 国际邮资与国内资费不同,请及时和客服沟通,主要走国际邮局和国际EMS,资费¥100-300/KG,部分超重图书费用更高。请国外及港澳台顾客拍下后及时和客服联系。 '