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Conclusion Annex 1 Contents list for a project plan 1.16 Further exercises 2 Project evaluation and programme management 2.1 Introduction 2.2 A business case 2.3 Project portfolio management 2.4 Evaluation of individual projects 2.5 Cost-benefit evaluation techniques 2.6 Risk evaluation 2.7 Programme management 5.8 Managing the allocation of resources within programmes 2.9 Strategic programme management 2.10 Creating a programme 2.11 Aids to programme management 2.12 Some reservations about programme management 2.13 Benefits management 2.14 Conclusion 2.15 Further exercises 3 An overview of project planning 3.1 Introduction to Step Wise project planning 3.2 Step O: Select project 3.3 Step 1: Identify project scope and objectives 3.4 Step 2: Identify project infrastructure 3.5 Step 3: Analyse projec characteristics 3.6 Step 4: Identify project products and activities 3.7 Step 5: Estimate effort for each activity 3.8 Step 6: Identify activity risks 3.9 Step 7: Allocate resources 3.10 Step 8: Review/publicize plan 3.11 Steps 9 and10: Execute plan/lower levels of planning 3.12 Conclusion 3.13 Further exercises 4 Selection of an appropriate project approach 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Build or buy 4.3 Choosing methodologies and technologies 4.4 Choice of process models 4.5 Structure versus speed of delivery 4.6 The waterfall model 4.7 The spiral model 4.8 Software prototyping 4.9 Other ways of categorizing prototypes 4.10 Incremental delivery 4.11 Agile methods 4.12 Atern/Dynamic Systems Development Method 4.13 Extreme programming (XP) 4.14 Managing iterative processes 4.15 Selecting the most appropriate process model 4.16 Conclusion 4.17 Further exercises 5 Software effort estimation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Where are estimates done 5.3 Problems with over- and under- estimates 5.4 The basis for software estimating 5.5 Software effort estimation techniques 5.6 Bottom-up estimating 5.7 The top-down approach and parametric models 5.8 Expert judgement 5.9 Estimating by analogy 5.10 Albrecht function point analysis 5.11 Function points Mark Il 5.12 COSMIC full function points 5.13 COCOMO 13: a parametric productivity model 5.14 Conclusion 5.1 5 Further exercises 6 Activity planning 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The objectives of activity planning 6.3 When to plan 6.4 Project schedules 6.5 Projects and activities 6.6 Sequencing and scheduling activities 6.7 Network planning models 6.8 Formulating a network model 6.9 Adding the time dimension 6.10 The forward pass 6.11 The backward pass 6.12 Identifying the critical path 6.1 3 Activity float 6.14 Shortening the project duration 6.1 5 Identifying critical activities 6.16 Activity-on-arrow networks 6.1 7 Conclusion 6.16 Further exercises 7 Risk management 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Risk 7.3 Categories of risk 7.4 A framework for dealing with risk 7.5 Risk identification 7.6 Risk assessment 7.7 Risk planning 7.8 Risk management 7.9 Evaluating risks to the schedule 7.10 Applying the PERT technique 7.11 Monte Carlo simulation 7.1 2 Critical chain concepts 7.1 3 Conclusion 7.14 Further exercises 8 Resource allocation 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The nature of resources 8.3 Identifying resource requirements 8.4 Scheduling resources 8.5 Creating critical paths 8.6 Counting the cost 8.7 Being specific 8.8 Publishing the resource schedule 8.9 Cost schedules 8.10 The scheduling sequence 8.11 Conclusion 8.12 Further exercises 9 Monitoring and control 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Creating the framework 9.3 Collecting the data 9.4 Visualizing progress 9.5 Cost monitoring 9.6 Earned value analysis 9.7 Prioritizing monitoring 9.8 Getting the project back to target 9.9 Change control 9.10 Conclusion 9.11 Further exercises 10 Managing contracts 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Types of contract 10.3 Stages in contract placement 10.4 Typical terms of a contract 10.5 Contract management 10.6 Acceptance 10.7 Conclusion 10.8 Further exercises 11 Managing people in software environments 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Understanding behaviour 11.3 Organizationbehaviour: a backgrou nd 11.4 Selecting the right person for the job 11.5 Instruction in the best methods 11.6 Motivation 11.7 TheOIdham Hackman job characteristics nrodel 11.8 Stress 11.9 Health and safety 11.10 Some ethical and professional concerns 11.11 Conclusion 11.12 Further exercises 12 Working in teams 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Becoming a team 12.3 Decision making 12.4 Organizational structures 12.5 Coordination dependencies 12.6 Dispersed and virtual teams 12.7 Communication genres 12.8 CommunicationpJans 12.9 Leadership 12.10 Conclusion 12.11 Further exercises 13 Software quality 13.1 hrtroduc'tion 13.2 iheplaceofsoftwarequalityin project planning 13.3 The importance of software quality 13.4 Defining software quality 13.5 ISO 9126 13.6 Product versus process quality management 13.7 Quality management systems 13.8 Process capability models 13.9 Techniques to help enhance software quality 13.10 resting 13.11 Quality plans 13.12 Conclusion 13.13 Further exercises Appendix A PRINCE2 - an overview Appendix B Answer pointers Further reading Index