本书是正版二手旧书,请出版社的同仁支持!!!拒绝盗版,从我做起,旧书循环,利国利民!本店保证只售正版,请广大客户放心购买!!!本店主要经营正版二手书,有一些笔记和画的重点,不缺页,不影响正常阅读。因为均为二手图书,所以一般没有光盘和书的附件 99基本信息书名:英语经贸文章阅读教程/新基点全国高等院校商务英语专业本科系列规划教材·语言技能子系列定价:34.00元作者:聂薇 著出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社出版日期:2015-12-01ISBN:9787566312716字数:341000页码:253版次:1装帧:平装开本:16开商品重量:编辑推荐暂无相关内容内容提要《英语经贸文章阅读教程/新基点全国高等院校商务英语专业本科系列规划教材·语言技能子系列》共有12个单元,每个单元涉及一个主题。每个主题涉及世界几个主要经济体的经济、贸易、金融领域的问题。《英语经贸文章阅读教程/新基点全国高等院校商务英语专业本科系列规划教材·语言技能子系列》文章均选自近几年世界有影响力的多种文献资料,原汁原味。学生能了解当代经贸领域的热点问题和新近动态。目录Unit 1 The World Economy 经济 Text: The Great Stabilization Case: It's Time to Drop the G8
Unit 2 Trade Protectionism 贸易保护主义 Text: Farewell, Free Trade Cases: 1.Economic Vandalism 2.US Punitive Tariff oChinese Tires to Expire
Unit 3 Trade Negotiations 贸易谈判 Text: So Near and Yet So Far Cases: 1.Free Trade ithe Slow Lane 2.Fighting Protectionism
Unit 4 TheAsiaEconomy 亚洲经济 Text: CaAsia Escape the Effects of the Downturithe West Cases: 1.China Leads aAsiaCharge 2.China Is Joining the Stimulus Fray
Unit 5 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 中国-东盟自由贸易区 Text: ASEAN-China Free Trade Area: Not a Zero-Sum Game Cases: 1.China's Free Trade Area Strategy Advancing Steadily 2.ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Beneficial to Both Sides. 3.ASEAN-China OpeFree Trade Area
Unit 6 The Economy of Emerging Markets 新兴市场经济 Text: Stumble or Fall Cases: 1.BRIC Demands More Clout 2.The New Masters of Management
Unit 7 The Japanese Economy 日本经济 Text: Gaijiat the Gates Cases: 1.Strength amid Paralysis 2.Japanese Firms Push into Emerging Markets
Unit 8 The EuropeaEconomy 欧洲经济 Text: The Squeeze Is On Case: The Future of Europe
Unit 9 The Predicament of the Euro 欧元困境 Text: Danger Ahead for the Mighty Euro Cases: 1.Euro Currency Turns 10; SeeFulfilling Promise 2.The Euro Will Face Bigger Tests thaGreece
Unit 10 The Decline of the US Dollar 美元的下跌 Text: What Happens If the Dollar Crashes Cases: 1.Denial or Acceptance 2.Why KrugmaIs Wrong about the Yuan
Unit 11 The Roots of the Financial Crisis 金融危机的根源 Text: The Roots of the Mortgage Crisis Cases: 1.Lessons from the 1987 Crash 2.The AsiaCrisis 10 Years Later
Unit 12 Supervisioithe Financial Sector 金融监管 Text: IDeal, New Authority over Wall Street Cases: 1.Financial Reform Still ithe Early Innings 2.Banks Get New Restraints 3.Systemic Failure: Lessons from the World of Trade for the World of Finance