基本信息书名:GRE考试官方指南(第2版 )定价:108.00元作者:美国教育考试服务中心 编出版社:群言出版社出版日期:2012-10-01ISBN:9787802563612字数:567000页码:563版次:2装帧:平装开本:16开编辑推荐n ETS官方版本,专业解析GRE考试各个方面。详细、全面解读GRE题型(分析性写作、文字推理和数量推理),分别给出主要内容、题型分类、模拟样题、答题策略、考查的知识点和计分体制等。附有两套GRE全真模拟试题及其答案详解,近距离接触GRE考题。-中也包两套全真模拟试题,仿真实考界面,带你体验真实考场环境。内容提要 本书为ETS在中国授权版本,也是ETS为GRE考试编写的一本官方指南。书中全面介绍了GRE考试的相关信息,给出考试综合策略以及笔考和机考的区别,分章节重点讲解分析性写作(Analytical Writing)、文字推理(Verbal Reasoning)和数量推理(Quantitative Reasoning)三项测试的主要内容、题型分类、模拟样题、答题策略、考查的知识点和计分体制等,还提供两套全真模拟测试题,并附有详细解析。本书所附-也包两套全真模拟测试题,通过仿真界面帮生体验真实的考场环境。本书提供了大量翔实的备考资料与专业指导,是GRE考生的辅导书。目录暂无相关内容作者介绍 美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS),成立于1947年,是目前非盈利教育考试评估机构,也是教育研究领域的。该组织致力于为近200个国家的个人、教育机构和部门提供服务,并在范围内开展、管理着每年1200多万人次的考试,其中包括TOEFL、GRE、SAT等考试。文摘 7.Which of the following statements about women's employment ithe United States during and after the Second World War is most clearly supported by the passage A Most womewho joined the workforce during the Second World War wanted to returto domestic life whethe war ended. B The great majority of womewho joined the workforce during the Second World War were employed imanufacturing jobs. C The end of the Second World War was followed by a Iarge-scale transfer of womeworkers f manufacturing to agriculture. D The increase iwomen's employment that accompanied the Second World War was longer lasting iagriculture thait was imanufacturing. E The popular media were more forcefulicalling for wometo joithe workforce during the Second World War thaicalling for wometo returto domestic life after the war. Explanation The correct choicc for this questiois Choice D.We are told ithe passage that women's employmcnt imanufacluring fell quickly after mereturned f the war.However, not only dicl women's employmenr.iagriculture not decline after the end of the war, it actually increased.The othcr choices are incorrect because the passage pro vides no informatioabout what womewho joined the workforce wanted to do; about the distributioof womeacross industries; about what happened to womewho left manufacturing; nor about.media appeals for wometo joithe wartime workforce. ……序言暂无相关内容